Recent content by LGBR

  1. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    2021 has been a rough year i hope 2022 is better
  2. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    this is a rly long way 2 say a private citizen
  3. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    im just blown away he paid her off while he was president how fucking stupid do u have to be
  4. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    5 years u say dang good thing the payment happened in 2019 i concede u guys were right
  5. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    wats hard 2 understand he was beyond the statute of limitations until nyc extended the period for 6 months (it expires soon) and only 1 trial has been brought forward
  6. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    they had to make an exception to the charges for 6 months but only for him just to bring it to trial how could anyone keep track u kno
  7. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    tbf what was this case even about
  8. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

  9. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    weird that the largest group of gun owners in the us showed up w/o guns for an insurrection like lmao y didnt they take it seriously
  10. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    yeah for committing an actual crime you fuckin pear
  11. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    biden postponed the withdrawal you dumbdumb, thats why they attacked us - bc this administration reneged on the deal and the 400% number is based on obamas final year in office - in his peak, obama droned more people in a single year than trump and biden have in 8
  12. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    ya he ramped em up big time by negotiating a withdrawal from afghanistan and getting north korea to stop their missile launches and nuclear testing what a fucking asshole
  13. LGBR

    Trump: Guilty or innocent

    ya typical republican starting all those wars and deploying troops all over
  14. LGBR

    I find long stem glasses effeminate

    ya u roasted everyone by convincing an entire forum youre a pedophile way to go
  15. LGBR


    i have a nespresso and i dont give a fuck i just drink the fuckin stuff