Recent content by shadoh210

  1. S

    overthrow the shadow council

    i would like 2 see the following players return to tribe: Snow: gotchyacoffee wants 2 shield duel w u and isuk want 2 revive CDC Dare: meatpit will replace SH in lt pug rotation ~g0d bless Gimli: is this dude in jail or where he at Two Moons: i cant believe that this name gone from tribe...
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    Team Duel flow for bugs

    i asked bugs about the possibility of him recreating TD and putting it on his server, since the move to dallas has left arghs feeling jankier than ever and krayvok is unwilling to share the source now that lestat is gone. bugs told me to write up how the game functions and post it here so that...
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    im gay as fuck

    cYiHJFhivM0 DL
  4. S

    hey, any config hoarders out there have a copy of ryez0rs old tribesftw config?
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    icedwinds dale

    this guy gonna be legit 14 ma first game of tribe
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    RIP Marty aka Stanley, AUS

    Stanley, AUS AKA Quickness AKA Martin died of cancer recently. I was wondering what had happened to him since I knew he was diagnosed with cancer, sadly I confirmed with a mutual friend that he has died. RIP you funny bastard, I'll miss your australian shit talking
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    Stork ProConfig Repack

    Linky link Original config is available here. I've tried pretty much every config uploaded here, and I liked Stork's the best. It's the smoothest feeling and least crash prone config I've found and I've been using it for a while now. But there were a few things that I didn't like, like the...
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    phantom rpg is fuckin awesome

    phantom rpg - Album on Imgur i am level 8 i have leather armor and spike club im ready to murder goblins this is gfg
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    [SOLUTION] missing and/or 3_vehicle.dtf on 1.40!

    ok so this has been a well known bug in 1.40- the training map 3 (3_vehicle) is present in 1.40 and u can load into the mission but maps based off of it like Budweiser 007 damz etc (theres a number of arena maps that use this terrain) would not work in 1.40 for some reason. you would get the...
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    celebrating victory over the evil doer pancake's banishment

    dare try to poach players from arghs to play LT and gets banned lmfao i wish i not fall asleep at midnight
  11. S

    so who is best dueller in t1

    so i thought that izza was the best dueller still around but i hear from fire that rtcll can duel him pretty evenly. so i was wondering who is the best t1 dueller of all time? according to argh this guy named shalla(idk if i spell right) was the best he ever saw but was before my time
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    [RQ] arena maps

    i'm looking for any arena maps not currently hosted on Argh's Duel. the only 2 i know the names of are Too Close For Comfort and Trick-or-Treat. i think trick-or-treat might just be the name of the map on Br Anni though so here are some screenshots
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    is crashing a t1 server really as easy as dling an IP flooder

    theres no way to block this?