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  1. C

    Hey Rayn - Overwatch subforum

    Any chance we can get one? There's a large group of us that are playing most nights. Thanks!
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    win 7 boot issue

    I ran a registry cleaner and when I restarted my computer it hangs on the screen linked. I have tried to boot from a win7 usb recovery, etc... Any ideas what's going on? Any information you need? I can't even get it to boot into safe mode. Also - I've never seen this screen before. It...
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    Cool slow motion racing vid

    If OFN... don't care. You should know not to click from thread title. Racing In Slow Motion IV - YouTube If you are a racing fan, it's a great watch!
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    The Tron Lebowski

    The Tron Lebowski - CollegeHumor Video I lol'd
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    (F1) Bahrain

    Anyone watch or care this morning?
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    [NWS] Got Boobies? [NWS]

    Enjoy Tissit
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    Energy drink preference

    I am trying to get some information for a study that I am doing. My question is: when you are gaming (and only gaming) what is your energy drink of choice? Thanks for your help BTW- Mine is Sobe Adrenaline Rush
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    mobo question (quick)

    If the memory standard is DDR2 1200, do I have to use that or can I put DDR2 800 and everything be fine? The reason I ask is the 1200 is a little pricey for the ammount of ram I want. Thanks
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    Budget gaming rig (ok?)

    I am trying to build a gaming rig for around $800. Mainly wanting to play AOC without any issues with high settings. What do you guys think? Western Digital Raptor WD360ADFD 36GB 10000 RPM SATA 1.5Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM - Western Digital Raptor WD360ADFD 36GB 10000 RPM 16MB...
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    Website question (menus)

    How can I create a drop down menu such as the one on this site? Drop Menu Website Template Thanks
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    Any good single player games out?

    I have one final left and I will be bored for the most part over the holidays.... I am done with Elder Scrolls Oblivion and was wondering if there were any good single player games out there that y'all might be having fun with. Thanks *** PC GAME ***
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    RC Flying

    Anyone fly planes or helicopters? I fly a Honeybee King 2 Helicopter. I will get into more detail later if there are replies... peace bitches
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    Need some help (BF2142 cd-key retrieval)

    I have googled and searched in the registry but I have had no luck. Anyone else know how to find their cd-key for BF 2142? Thanks
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    Video edit help} How to remove or blur license plate

    How can I remove lisence plates in a video? I would hope I can do this with freeware.... Thanks
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    Skill book (capital ship)

    anyone seen it for a good price lately? thanks :)
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    Guild Cafe {Myspace for gamers}

    have any of you guys heard of this website? I found it through google. It seems really cool and it allows you to find old friends from past games.
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    Cool CG car race {VIDEO} 1000 + cars!
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    done :)
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    {Movie} "We are the Strange" looks interesting
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    Anyone have any experience removing the new Licat Worm being transmitted via MSN?

    It starts out inncoently enough an IM from someone on your MSN Messenger buddy list say "Hey is this you <url>" its from your buddy so you are trusting enough that you dont examine the link that closely to notice it is a *.PIF file. Now you are infected since the first thing it does is disable...