Recent content by CoJack

  1. C

    2024, A New Era For Starsiege: TRIBES

    What's going on in here? What have I missed? 7 year hiatus. Fuck, it's been 7 years??😬🤔
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    wsfix.cs - 1920x1080 stopped working all a sudden.

    Stuck in low res. Haven't done any modifying. got a new mouse was all. and after 2 days of use, now my hi-rez fix doesn't want to work. i have a hard code in autoexec and it still also shows in my prefs as same. what went wrong u think? its been working flawlessly for ever. halp! thx!
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    Blue-Tooth Headphones?

    Tired of being tangled. Just learned my board was equipped with BT when i used a pair on my tv/ps4 setup. i'm fucking loving these skullcandy's uproars rightnow. they're just a little too low in volume for my deaf ass though. Any recommendations out there for a good beat with no beats? we're...
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    100 GB FREE cloud storage

    For every sign up, i get 3gb of space. Help a man out. Thanks. Degoo - secure online backup
  5. C

    T1-Windows 10/1.11?? Mouse Cursor fix??

    game opens and then....the crying begins! My mouse cursor just disappears once i go to get control of it... and then i'm unable to get it back.
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    i'm stuck on 1.11. all these newer configs/installs just crash upon open. the editor.exe always works, but the tribe .exe's always crash??? my 1.11 install uses hudbot which has scriptgl yes? so scriptgl wouldn't be my problem no? i ask b/c i see some configs with/without. this mouse is driving...
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    Altering position of h_friendly/h_foe .bmp iff?[1.3]

    Can i reposition iffs over their chest or anywhere else on the body? what i tried in ps had no effect. i simply just moved dot down some in hopes it would lower the iff. however, only effect was that it got grayed out where image would normally appear. looking to emulate the look i have for t2...
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    Old TW File Archive?

    years back, i uploaded a couple files for t2 when first released. flag sounds and mhud converted over to t2 from t1. was wondering if anyone knows where these files might be hiding? i remember nofix i think it was, who linked me to the old tw demo archive. so was curious if the file archive was...
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    Any Decent, Inexpensive GPS Receivers out there For Laptops? Recommendations?

    Looking for a reliable, decent&inexpensive GPS receiver for my laptop.....and preferrably compatible with google earth.( if at all a concern when buying one) shrugs. hopeful someone has a little knowledge on this. thx.
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    I Need A Power Inverter For Dell 17' Laptop: Any Recommendations?

    Was going to the woods here in a few and wanted to be able to charge laptop in my truck. Ohms law states that Watts=Voltage x Amps. So if 19.5v x 4.62a = 90 watts... We now know that i at least need a 90 watt inverter. Read that i should double the wattage bringing total to 180w. Others have...
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    Earning A+ Certification; Getting Financial Aid, Grants, Scholarships.

    hey there TW. i'm interested in going back to school to earn a certificate in A+ and security+. i'm hopeful with some of your guyz insight you can answer a couple of questions. *1st* is it worth the money to pursue a education in these fields? or am i better off just studying the material and...
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    The "OverClocking" Thread

    any tech guru's out there with some insights on overclocking? currently looking to OC my rig. any good sites around offering such advice? current specs: PSU: ANTEC TRUE CONTROL 550 MB: ABIT AS8 CPU: INTEL P4 3.6 DUAL CORE RAM: OCZ DDR400 (2GIGS) VC: BFG ULTRA 6800 mainly looking...
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    Bay Area Tribers?

    anyone living in Bay Area, California who still plays Tribes? holla! i'm in the east bay. dublin,pleasanton, fremont. all depends on which day it is and what girl is more deserving of my cock. :lol:
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    questions o questions

    config help looking to fulfill the following requests. you guyz always seem to amaze me! :) 1. new fonts for chathud for use with presto? ex: colored text for different events? 2. enlarged fonts for command screen? i liked the fonts being used in billy's/severed's config and...
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    T1 on eBay!

    39.95??? hot damn, holy shit! limited edition or wtf? which one of you obsessive starwars collectors wants to frame this on his wall? :lol: cheers! STARSIEGE: TRIBES ** Brand New; Sealed; Free Shipping - eBay (item 250344908962 end time Mar-18-09 10:18:49 PDT)