Recent content by syndrome_x

  1. S


    Good stuff, but between smurfs, joe daddy, and other dumbasses vote kicking me, and it actually passing every. single. time. my patience ran out. It was good, but yea, I'll be deleting this shit and sticking to all my steam games.
  2. S

    Weird Error When Playing

    So, I am getting this dumb error message that won't let me play Tribes, as it keeps crashing me after a minute of playing. Any help would be awesome!
  3. S

    Mavi ...

    You said you were making your own config, so gimme once you are done!
  4. S

    New Blaster exp

    Sleepy thought it would be cool to change blaster explosion, so I tried his, then I tried mine. I liked mine more, it was smaller. Here is a comparison: His (using: tumult_small.dts as shotgunex.dts) Mine.
  5. S

    So, what happened to tournament?

    SuC played two games, and lost both, so I assume we were knocked out, but I thought there were three games minimum to be played. Soooooo, what happened to tournament? Did is fizzle out and just turn into nightly PUG's?
  6. S

    Script for TAB ping?

    The script I want to make is simple, depending on what my ping is at, change the PFT. You are all going to say PING0!! Well, no, I dont want. I want to use the pings that show up when I hit TAB. I remember stork telling me that the ping I see is not the actual ping registered by Tribes. Is there...
  7. S


    Well, its free to download and play, so I said why the hell not and downloaded it. Well, I guess to unlock shit I need xp, no worries, did the same thing for BF3. Holy fuck it takes a long ass time to get any XP, and look, something named Gold Points, what is that? Boom, pay to win much? Bleh...
  8. S

    [Halp!] minimap.friend.flag.png

    It seems to not want to load or appear on my minimap in-game, so whenever I try to help the capper, I have no idea where he is and have to search through all the green icons until I find him or switch from targeting enemy capper to friendly. It is a problem, and will be even more so during the...
  9. S

    [Request] Chain Spin

    Hello all! I know I have been bugging all of you a lot lately, but I wanted to see if anyone had a working Chain Spin script, where the cg starts spinning automatically. I guess I have a shit mouse, but I guess my cg takes a while to start spinning and shooting, making me miss a lot of kills :(...
  10. S

    Midair Announce Script

    So, if you have played in arghs, every time you get an MA you get a little pop up that tells you how far the ma was and who you hit. Is there any way to get that script and make it work in my config, regardless of the server? I noticed that in community and dares server it announces the MA in...
  11. S

    HiRes Terrain

    Does anyone have hires terrain textures? I have the sky and buildings, but the install I have didn't come with the terrain. Any help would be awesome! Thanks
  12. S

    Disc Trail and Glow

    I was trying to make Black disc trail and discglow, but when I play it simply goes transparent. I guess its because tribes recognizes black background as being "blank", so is there any way around this? It isn't imperative, just wanted to know. Thanks!
  13. S

    Small Health+Energy Bars

    Does anyone have any nice and small health and energy bars? Thanks in advance.
  14. S

    [HALP] Nade explosion weird!

    So, I wanted to make my own nade explosion, as some are simply way too big or generic, but I get this glitch whenever it explodes: Do I have to make the image larger? Any ideas would be awesome, thanks! **Nevermind, I am dumb, image size was 400x400 (px) just made...
  15. S

    Tribes Server List

    Anyone have an updated server list? Apparently when I hit Refresh All, it erases all but my 4 that I have marked as favorites. Any ideas? Anyone else getting this?