Recent content by xi'Vexus

  1. X

    Best Instrumental Movie Soundtracks

    I've been switching up the music I listen to while I work. Programming just happens better with good music. I was trying to find the best instrumental movie soundtracks to listen to. mGkNHG64O-8 lUuBlg8qy38 tMWXh6I5-R8
  2. X

    EVE makes the front page again. Revenant down.

    6E1mL0h6z2I source: EVE Online Player Loses A Spaceship Worth Approximately $9,000 - Forbes
  3. X

    [vid] Tornado interception.

    Discovery Channel cancelled their show a few seasons ago, but evidently they didn't give up. Holy shit. edit - if you didn't ever see the tv show... this is what they are inside of: LobCDYO78Us
  4. X

    [MNF] 2 backups + 2 defenses = ?? points?

    No Alex Smith No Jay Cutler First time two quarterbacks have both made their first start on a MNF since 79'. Best two defenses in the league. Makes me think that defense will do most of the scoring tonight. Promises to be at least a very interesting sort of game. I'm going to say ...
  5. X

    [NHL] What the fuck

    Only two days left to reach an agreement before they begin shortening the season. Why the fuck does this sport have so many problems!!! I fucking hate basketball. I need my winter sport that has games on days of the week other then Sunday!
  6. X

    My EVE finale. Stealing 80b ISK, a titan, and having nothing to show for it.

    -editing- ... I hit enter too soon. I fail.
  7. X

    Windows 7 ... is this legit?

    -- note, I am not asking for cracks or stolen keys... merely inquiring about the legitimacy of these reseller sites... please don't lock this thread -- [So] I got Windows 7 with a new laptop. No complaints. Out of curiousity, I took the Win7 disk and installed it on my 4 year old laptop also...
  8. X

    [IndyCar] Wheldon is a goner.

    The entire top roll area of Wheldon's car was sheered off. ... Did anybody see that crash? HOLY FUCK. They covered the cars with a tarp now, but it looked like there was blood... Definitely not good. Worst crash I've ever seen in IndyCar. My wife saw it on television and started screaming...
  9. X

    [New Puppy] Who knows anything about training a deaf dog?

    New puppy in the family this week !!! Shetland Sheepdog, with heavy marle traits. Two blue eyes, tri color. She's soooooo sweet and affectionate. The catch is that after being home for a week, we have discovered that she is very likely completely deaf. This is not uncommon in dogs that end...
  10. X

    Kid's Birthday Party Etiquette

    My daughter is turning 9 in about a month, and she wants to invite all her 3rd grade friends over for a sleep over. I'm cool with it, but school is out in a week, so she's sending out invites now. Easier to let all her friends know about it. So she's making the list of girls she wants to...
  11. X

    [so] I've got fucking Mono

    Seriously... who gets this shit at 30 years old. I thought this was some lame little kissing disease that 13-18 year olds get. I ended up in the ER one night even because my throat swelled so shut I couldn't breathe or swallow. Steroids, some of the good stuff pain meds, and some...
  12. X

    Retiring from EVE...

    So.. Pandemic Legion lost our space. We were simply outnumbered by an inferior opponent. I managed to escape with my Hel in one piece though, and really... I've lost interest in this game. Plus, I have absolutely no time to play. In an effort to enjoy my last few days in EVE, I am taking the...
  13. X

    strippers on wheels. brilliant or bust?

    work safe (CNN website) : Video - Strippers on the Strip - Breaking News Videos from If you've ever been up and down the strip, you've seen the dirty mexicans smacking those pamphlets at you every hundred feet or so. This seems like the perfect next step to put some sin back in sin...
  14. X

    Back to this silly game.

    I've basically been away from EVE since last September when I managed to get one of my good friend's motherships blown up for him (I was in the seat)... then lost my RL job... then got ready to move across the country. Fast forward a few months, and I've decided it's time to get back in the...
  15. X

    brand new ship, old familiar system

    ... in L-C/VFK, defending Fade/Deklein from baddies. I know you guys are up to something, just wondering where FREEE is going to pop up in this hilarious farce known as "MAX". Feel free to keep me in the dark, but I hope I see a few of you on the killmails I'll be getting in my shiny new Hel...