Search results

  1. R

    [Pre-Order]Rise of the Triad

    Pre-purchase Rise of the Triad on Steam It's finally coming out July 31st! Looks good too. On the steam community hub, there were a bunch of comments from players that never heard of it. I feel old. LAtB_yKKFgA
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    [Androiud]Humble Bundle 5

    Get it whilst it's hot! Dungeon Defenders + All DLC Super Hexagon Beat Hazard Ultra Dynamite Jack Solar 2 NightSky HD
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    How Was Your Day Today?

    I've been noticing lately the people around me are negative, toxic, and unhappy. I try to stay positive and upbeat but it's been wearing on my mental state. That of course was washed away as I saw the sun setting. The clouds were so full of color that it instantly changed my mood. So I present...
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    Die AntWoord - Baby's On Fire

    HcXNPI-IPPM Besides the blatant product placement, there is just something about them.
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    The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

    The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | Threat Level | It's quite lengthy but it's a very good article. I'm not trying to be an alarmist or anything but :scared:
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    Ability Delay Adressed

    STAR WARS: The Old Republic - A quick update on Ability Delay edit:I spell good.
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    Server Roll Call 12/11

    Just post your in-game name, server, class, and even guild if you are so inclined. I'll condense names into a list and we can see how many TW'ers are playing. Stoobs - Veela - Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer - MurderHerd Drak'kos - The Fatman - Jedi Consular Shadow Blazerblad - Ajunta Pal - Bounty...
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    [Google] Maps Indoors

    So the new Google Maps 6.0 goes indoors and I noticed something interesting. Castle: Starship: Um:
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    Failure, challenge, and the decline of WoW

    Failure, Challenge, and the Decline of WoW « Flavor Text Great article written by Wowhead CM Perculia and Hamlet from Elitist Jerks. Summary:
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    Bitstrip for Schools

    So I was perusing through reddit and came across a bitstrip Cartoon Network maker. It's supposed to be for some kind of anti-bullying but obviously has gone a different direction. Educational Software | Teaching with Comics | Bitstrips for Schools Original sub-reddit. Here are a few of my...
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    Diablo 3 Sandbox

    So the kind folks at raistlinthewiz's Github are slowly but surely getting Diablo 3 beta sandboxed. As of right now they are getting passed the loading screen. I'm impressed by the speed that they are getting things done though. Just two days ago they were getting the character creation enabled...
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    Thoughts on 4.3?

    This expansion has been the worst one imo. Well not at the beginning but everyone QQ'ed until it was faceroll. I really hope Blizzard can pull it's shit together for 4.3. So, are we finally getting customization? More then 7 bosses for 6 months? What do you guys think?
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    WTS 2x85's account + more

    Fire/Frost Mage - ilvl 364(raid ready, 4/13 exp. with a lot of gear to play with stats), 10445 achievement points(110 mounts, 146 pets, 36 or more Titles.). Max tailoring/enchanting(only missing a couple of patterns). Level 85 Druid that is a farming mule Max alchemy/herbs. Level 73...
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    It's Over Nine Thousand!

  15. R

    New Family Guy

    It just came out a couple hours ago. Enjoi! I'm about to rent the Comedy show too. Hopefully it's funny. :bandit:
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    Confessions of a Wall St. Nihilist

    Confessions of a Wall St. Nihilist Front Page Article
  17. R

    On Gold sellers

    Just curious on the rules of gold selling on TribalWar? I have access to discounts on a reputable GS site and will post them if allowed.
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    IFPI is down

    I went to read up on them after the recent case against TPB. I wonder what could be possibly going on. :shock:
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    [WTF][PIC] NoGodforMe in anime?
