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  1. M

    Dumpster fire now a dull roar

    Sup dudes. Have a fb style update you may or may not care about. I was married last time I was here, I think. I've since gotten divorced. Idk who called 2 years, but I made it to 3 out of spite. I have 2 crib midgets that are both boys. They're disgusting and amazing. Never thought I'd be...
  2. M

    shit post

    drunk af. idgaf. i probably most likely won't remember this shit in the morning. good day. edit: just realized, it actually is the morning. lol
  3. M


    None of you give a shit, but I have to right something that he has been lying about. IRC LOG TIME [15:33] <%Hologram> MALIBRU COMPLAINS [15:33] <%Hologram> oops caps [15:33] <%Hologram> all she does is complain about how she is fat and how she is "eventually" gonna exercise [15:33] <%Hologram>...
  4. M

    Happy Tuesday!

    Ohai! I sell baking stuff now which means I'm in the kitchen even more than I was before. Sunday, I made mini apple pumpkin spice cakes (seen below) as well as mini cinnamon pumpkin spice cakes because I'm basic as fuck. Get over it. I've also been doing a lot of walking/jogging (yes...
  5. M

    This thread is bananas.

  6. M

    Ho playbook (near) complete

    From what I can tell, I think I've just about got everything in the playbook covered. We moved into a house together, had a child, and now we are married. I don't know what the next steps are, but I'm sure y'all will fill me in. At any rate, this is just a thread to say that I got married...
  7. M

    Runnin' the Ho Playbook

    Sup dudes... I wanted to take the time to alert you I am effectively running the Ho playbook. Maybe you can give me more tips on how to be extra good at this devious plan. List of things acquired below. Wealthy/healthy boyfriend Quite a bit of jewelry Multiple vacations Large house in nice...
  8. M


    Their whole album is pretty sweet actually. I'm excited as all get out. Going to see them next month. :boogie: Some of y'all might know this one. I think it's on the radio now? F90Cw4l-8NY zEratQ9p7nM
  9. M

    My bf is a retard obvi I'm pretty tech retarded...and by bf I really meant me on the retarded front. We are lookin for a flat screen tv mount. We have a hdmi connector thinger in our wall already. We want to get something that will mount a TV and be able to use the thingies that we have. Don't worry...
  10. M


    Cuz it's what I do. Got my new kitchen, so I made apple cinnamon oatmeal cookies. They are chewy and delicious. The first batch came out nicely but I think they need to have some more apples added in which I plan on doing tomorrow morning. Breakfast pictures may follow tomorrow. It's going...
  11. M

    [so] this happened

    In other news, I realized I lost my contributor status. I should fix that.
  12. M


    Hey y'all! So I wanted to share some happy stuff going on since this place is usually ungodly depressing and/or full of rage. I have moved north east and while I hate the cold, I couldn't be happier. I'm close to family that I otherwise would only get to see once a year, if that. I've been...
  13. M


    Hay guyz, So, I'm fat and shit. Halp me lose my ass by paying for a personal trainer. Once I get all thin, I'll take pics and show you the results. It will be fabulous. Here. Have a before pic for comparing later.
  14. M

    Sometimes you just wanna...

    And then because yep...
  15. M

    Fuck yeah

    Drunk people report. What up? I'm an abusive cunt. Dude has already complained about bleeding. Whoops. I wanna say I'm sorry but I'm really not. Haha.
  16. M

    [breaking] Dark Knight Shooting in CO

    At least 12 reported killed at Dark Knight Rises premiere shooting in Colorado movie theater — RT
  17. M

    Attn: REI Shoppers!

    It's that time again for the friends and family discount. WOOHOO! :birthday: This year, I only have FOUR (4) coupons good for: - 25% off purchases of $200 or more OR - 20% off purchases of up to $199.99 OR - 15% off bicycles, hard-shell boats, stand up paddleboards, GPS-enabled products or...
  18. M

    [Tumblr] Full of Awesome

    Soooooo..... We have a thread full of tits, ass, funny images, people who want to show their faces, and photography, but I don't know that we have one for "awesome shit I just found" (that I saw anyway). Now, we do. :boogie: Obviously, these are from tumblr, but they don't have to be from...
  19. M

    Dead Baby: Now in Pill Form!

    source: Koreans busted for stamina pills made from dead babies related: Dead Baby Pills Spark Customs Crackdown in Korea | NBC4 Washington
  20. M

    Expendables 2 Trailer

    XQf3YP8p85I yep