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  1. B

    Thought crime? Lose your child. ggs uk
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    You're a faggot if you haven't heard this. I ain't worried none.
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    What kind of wood doesn't float?

    Vanster's mom. The cunt died gargling my piss. :^)
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    I am God

    :^) ps-suck my cock you fucking faggots
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    Merry Christmas friends

  6. B

    What's up negroes?

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    The trade agreement between pacific rim countries that's being secretly negotiated

    The TPP Have you heard of it? Chances are you haven't. It's like SOPA, PIPA, CISPA all mashed up together and pumped full of patent trolling, IP protection, and draconian repressive measures to "make the internet safe". You should probably learn about the TPP and think about what it means for...
  8. B

    [ITT] rage fags and losers spread rumors about me

    I figured for the benefit of other posters on this forum the follwing losertrolls could just consolidate their crap in this thread. Please chime with your conspiracy theories about me. I care about you and care about your opinions, I really do. Thanks.
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    Stunning map shows depression comes from being bombed and starving

    A stunning map of depression rates around the world Who would've thought it...
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    The NSA puts democracy at risk

    The Surveillance State Puts U.S. Elections at Risk of Manipulation - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic Good read, I think it is far too favorable to the HNIC, but still, raises some very valid points. You may now return to your sewing circles of gossiping about me and "tribes talk" :lol: pathetic.
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    Possibly the only good thing Apple has ever done

    Apple hides a Patriot-Act-busting "warrant canary" in its transparency report - Boing Boing But you're still a faggot if you use their products, sorry.
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    [ exclusive] I am performing an exorcism on this forum

    In the name of Jesus Christ superstar who in the hell do you think you are, out out damn spot, I have some spot remover, so you pretty much have to get out. In the name of Allahu Ackbar and Admiral Ackbar, it's a trap, in your name and runon sentences amen.
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    This is the radest thing on the internet

    Mj9Y5zqHNwA I am totally cutting right now and writing black poetry, and I don't mean the skin color kind.
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    The forbidden froot

    gAOO2ulERTk Ancient aliens smoked it!! why can't we? Tell me NSA???? *insert linkin park lyrics*
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    [SEW] I have a new hobby

    I make sock babies. Would you like one of my sock babies? Please let me know.
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    What if the ancient mythos were actually about

    Seems legit to me.
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    Hey Nash, why the giant dick?

    Why are you jelly bro? Do you has a problem you'd like to talk about?
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    Guess the tribalBIGHEAD

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    Todays gospel.

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    Hey, remember when BIGHEADS actually meant something?

    Neither does the department of "justice" If it wasn't so sad to watch the constitution being dismantled like this it would be funny, because a faggot like you (typical tw user) will say "lol this won't impact me" but someone doesn't...