Recent content by broast

  1. B

    shiny weapons standalone plugin

    this plugin will make all your weapons, players, stations, turrets, and all things shiny like in this video tA0WliVMTMI i turn it on and off in this video, but the plugin im releasing here cannot be turned off, you just remove it if you dont want it. theres also a slight brightness difference...
  2. B

    a plugin i made

    hello and good evening. if you recall, i like to hack tribes a lil bit, though i had lost everything when i lost my old computer in a barnyard fire years ago. i recreated this from scratch in the course of this past week or so (left: bloom, right: colorgraded bloom) so my effort does not go...
  3. B

    my honeymoon destination in 21 days was assaulted by a category 5 latino hurricane

    cliffs: maria, dominica, travel insurance
  4. B

    what if tribe terrain was just colorful aluminum foil?

    prepare for the juicy C5iWaEv4538
  5. B

    buttmapping in tribe

    swQGdxvp7dQ na but really my bros i mean bump mapping here just as a proof of concept i hacked up some specular lighting and added a light over the player and also sampled the existing base textures to automagically generate normal maps to make everything shiny and bumpy im hoping soon ill...
  6. B

    im getting sued because i have the same name as someone else

    many months ago someone sent me a letter threatening to sue me because he didn't like the repairs i did at my auto shop however i dont have an auto shop and don't work on cars i did though find the auto shop in question has someone working there with at least my first name i've received a...
  7. B

    broast silver & gold holiday classics

    silver << gold << obsidian <<
  8. B

    if any tribes mod could be made into standalone game, which one

    which one would u choose i would choose shifter except as a top down RTS
  9. B

    i got engaged over the weekend

    congratulations everyone!! :') :king: :happy: SantaClaude :attention :phone: :rainbow: :dapimp: :flag: :) :heart:
  10. B

    my pile of staples [pics]

    hey its me broast here at work i spend most of my time pulling individual staples apart from the long sticks they come in and contribute them to a bigger pile of staples today its looking rather beefy it has been suggested that i could use a tool such as a stapler, by flipping it open and...
  11. B

    stork config

    im not very good with computer i dl stork config every time i launch my mouse sensitivity is reset to lowest end of the slider, why? also i play/aim even worse w/ this config why and everything so jittery why? what to change? should i try using an xbox controller?
  12. B

    went to the opera first time

    this weekend i went to see mozart's magic flute at the detroit opera house my gf and i took naps in turns during the second half but both still thoroughly enjoyed it perhaps i dont belong in upper society it felt like a seinfeld episode still very much cool. i was wearing a suit but still...
  13. B

    ahh fuk

  14. B

    whats up "Tribes" fraggers !!!

    hey every1 i'm "Broast" ! I play LOTS of halo (very competitively i DO NOT lose) but i never even HEARD of ""TRIBES"" till my XBOX gamer buddy Alex AKA Alex teh God (do u guys know him?) told me about it and how you guys have jetbags like CoD and skis IT really sounds like ***Combat Evolved*** -...
  15. B

    my ex-gf just vandalized my car in my work parking lot

    hey check it out pretty cool right the message is pretty easily traced back to one person - we broke up earlier this year, she left me a voicemail 3 weeks ago saying she had a question and i never responded, and she texted me last week "go fuck yourself" to which I responded by asking what...