Recent content by TseTse

  1. T

    [youtubes] "Top 10 Disastrous Letterman Interviews"

    Some of these are fucking classic (ofn) but i watched em all anyways. Joaquin After Dentist? - Top 10 Disastrous Letterman Interviews - TIME Many of them are Letterman just beating celebrity douchebags down... Here's the list, for those who want to see if it's worth it: Joaquin Phoenix...
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    so... i decided to turn account back on (lol)

    i got the 5 day free trial email and decided to check it out, maybe cash in my assets for 60 days and start poking around if i can make eve pay for itself without getting too hardcore. first of all, i have no fucking idea what im doing anymore. i have assets in c4c and uej. are those...
  3. T

    Monument to Bush shoe-throwing shines at Iraqi orphanage

    :lol: The great liberator and decider may not be vindicated by historians, as he had hoped.
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    Blind Black Man vs Kennedy Establishment

    Blind Black Man wins. :lol: Gov Paterson is funny and actually fairly competent so far. NYS has arguably the most complicated and fucked up political establishment, and as far as i can tell he just once again stood up to serious pressure. Caroline Kennedy withdrew her name from the fight to...
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    RIP Ricardo Montalban

    Fantasy Island? Planet of the Apes? WRATH OF KHAN!!!!! one of the greatest scifi movies of all time :sunny: EAAl2zfk684 the original kirk vs khan scene from the original trek series. kirk's truest arch nemesis. (one of the best episodes and best fight scenes... ever) 5575CtctqYU :lol...
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    [jack] 24... season 7

    Season 7 starts tonight... but seems to be "on" early. If you havent seen it yet, check out the Redemption movie thing first. I will be confirming the "early" viewing time shortly.
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    Panetta to lead CIA? Major mistake or smart move?

    Pros: Penetta is an older guy who really knows how to run shit and would be really good at managing transitions, particularly with an eye on shaking shit up organizationally: i.e. a hatchet man. His tenure will be short. Penetta served as chief of staff in the white house (clinton) and knows...
  8. T

    [high flatulent] e-Dribble

    "e-Dribble" v. e-drib·bled, e-drib·bling, e-drib·bles 1. To feed forum trolls organic drivel in order to keep a thread/topic active. n. e-drib·ble 1. Farm-raised organic drivel flowing from an act of e-dribbling. 2. The fossils of free range drivel left scattered within internet tubes...
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    [movies] Vicky Christina Barcelona & Seven Pounds

    Thumbs up to both... but especially the first. As for... Vicky Christina Barcelona... 1. woody allen (i hope he lives and keeps making movies forever) 2. scarlett johansson (arguably looking better than ever) 3. javier bardem (fucking awesome) 4. penelope cruz (best performance ever) 5...
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    Star Trek - original series (free)

    Star Trek: Watch Full Episodes - I am slowly going through season 1. :boogie:
  11. T

    [board game] Go. Weigi. Igo. Baduk.

    Anybody here play Go? Any recommendations for decent software and where to "buy" it? For those not familiar with go, it's basically the greatest board game of them all. It's extremely simple to learn... but often called the most complicated of them all to master. It's also one of the oldest...
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    [goatse] Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

    Hulu - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Alpine Fields - Watch the full episode now.
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    [the economist] Where have all your savings gone?

    How badly have housing prices dropped in your area? Do you expect them to keep dropping? I thought i'd step up and share this. Is it possible that the housing bubble will take a LONG time to fully deflate? :ftard:
  14. T

    The Economy - share interesting info

    (cliffs = the charts) Paging Kizzak and crew... there are so many dimensions to this economic down-turn, that sometimes just sharing cool charts or single factoids can help bring light to aspects of them. Comments? Things to add? This is the really creepy chart. :scared: For those...
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    The Sweet Potato

    One of the greatest foods out there. Consider tossing out your usual carb sides (rice, pasta, stuffing, etc) for a motherfucking badass ultra-awesome sweet potato. The simplest thing is to just cook one and add butter. Try it with honey, brown sugar or cinnamon for some fresh variations...