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  1. tripIe

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    fucking nexted me
  2. tripIe

    [Official] Delete my account thread

    you sent him a picture of a fucking lemon?
  3. tripIe

    Rate My Dick

    Rate my dick
  4. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Nope, you win. I changed my mind. Can you fucking stop? Or do you just want to torture me until I fucking shoot myself?
  5. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Think whatever you want. I don't care anymore. I'm sure you'll respond trying to get me amped up about something, but honestly, you win. I'm tired of this shit.
  6. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Alright. Goodbye.
  7. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    I told you I'm not arguing this. I don't care, fuck off.
  8. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    I'm not going to get into the weeds on this, it's too depressing for me and honestly my mental state doesn't need that argument rn. Keep in mind to you trans people are a cute little wedge issue that doesn't affect your daily life at-fucking-all, for me it's extremely fucking real and scary...
  9. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Most trans women who end up in male prisons end up raped, dead, both, or in solitary for the duration. It's cruel and unusual punishment. Access to healthcare (which is either taken daily or weekly, depending on method) is extremely spotty, resulting in your system acting wild because nothing is...
  10. tripIe

    Project 2025

    I'm not out to convince you. If you want to live life naive and stupid, go for it. But don't be like 'I can't believe the leopards ate MY face' when shit goes down in 2025.
  11. tripIe

    Project 2025

    I don't need to sensationalize it, just read the pdf they put out. It's their fucking words. On their fucking website.
  12. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    You're correct, but I've said I don't care. It's the internet, everyone assumes you're a guy anyway.
  13. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    I don't know if I believe they'll actually do it, he tends to promise a lot of shit and fails to deliver on most of it - see infrastructure week - but Trump has said in the past he plans to restrict porn, signing a pledge to do so, and Project 2025 plans a porn ban, and criminal charges for...
  14. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    If you think I should have better opinions of conservatives, then stop being shitty examples of them.
  15. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Most of the trump republicans on this forum have told me they wish I was dead. I was accused of child abuse overnight. And then you gaslight me and tell me I'm being dramatic.
  16. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    I'm not really interested in explaining the same thing to you over and over again. Shit on Biden all you want - I don't give a fuck.
  17. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    shit Flash, believe what you want to believe. It makes no difference to me. You'll figure it out eventually. The only reason I'm telling you this shit is because it happened to me in my 20s. I know how propaganda shapes a mind. I know even telling you that it's propaganda will make you angry...
  18. tripIe

    y'all know trump is gonna ban porn, right?

    Flash, I know what's credible or not. I keep telling you - it's not media sources you need to worry about, it's media literacy. Newspaper that has triple sourced a story? Credible. Youtube video put out by a dude with an agenda? Not so much. The problem the country faces is half the people are...
  19. tripIe

    Project 2025

    Have you read it, amram?
  20. tripIe

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    you've done crack?