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  1. S

    How many T:V units sold so far?

    How many T:V units sold so far? Anyone got this piece of info? Thanks
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    T:V need base and flag stand indicators

    How many times have anyone carrying the enemy flag got lost finding their way back home, esp when your own flag is taken by the enemy?
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    Junk tank Preferance

    Jump tank Preferance New Old Anyone prefer the Old Jump tank version? Its more sleeker and futristic The New Jump tank looks vintage
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    Critters in TV?

    Just wondering if TV will include critters e.g birds, lizards, butterflies, mosquitoes, flies, bees etc. Just to make the world look more alive. Looks kinda lifeless at moment
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    Blood Eagle Female light armor opinion

    Anyone think the female light armor for the blood eagle needs a revamp?
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    Can we ram ppl with the fighter

    Just wondering if this question been answered. Love to be able to ram people, like with the shrike. Make it one of those skills you need to master. Ramming in shrike was too easy, make it harder with the fighter, that way there be no complaints of it being overpowered.
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    Experience with UT2k4 - short

    Haven't played another first person shooter besides Tribes for a long time. One of the things I noticed when playing UT2k4 was that I get the feeling that the movement is soo slow (travelling from A to B point takes longer). Another thing I noticed is that my heart is pumping alot more as I'm...
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    Blood Eagle armor opinion

    Who else thinks Phoenix and the Imperial armor design looks nice, but the Blood Eagle armor still needs alot of work?