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  1. M

    An open letter to all TRIBES fans

    Dear TRIBES fan, TRIBES:Vengeance's numbers are low. To some people, this is bad. THERE. IT'S BEEN SAID, IT'S BEEN ADMITTED! The good and the bad GUESSES why the numbers are low, make no difference. There are NO REAL statistics, facts, "exit polls", or votes with substaniated numbers that are...
  2. M

    BEWARE: Everyone cheats on the "=RJS= Regeneration Japan" Server

    I played on the "=RJS= Regeneration Japan" server this morning and everyone was using a cheat. How can I tell you ask? Well, on one team everyone had at least 4 Style Points and there were 10 people on each team. I know it's not impossible, but style points aren't easy to come by for sure. I...
  3. M

    Where do I report a T:V autoaim cheat with executable?

    Where do I report a T:V autoaim cheat along with the executable that makes it work? I tried PMing IrritAnt over 2 weeks ago. He never responded and he didn't even read my message. Is anyone at Irrational Games listening? :confused:
  4. M

    [T:V] Here's a fix when an OLD ATI graphic card stutters in some missions

    [T:V] Here's a fix when an OLD ATI graphic card stutters in some missions [This is written so almost anyone can understand it, I hope. :) ] I have a pretty fast machine: 2.4 Ghz P4 with 768 MB DDR memory. My machine does not have an AGP slot, so I had to settle for a PCI graphics card. I...
  5. M

    Tribes:V Beta Developers Kit release 10/15/2004 on FTP site

    I noticed there is a Tribes Beta Developer Kit dated 10/15/2004 on the VUG/Sierra FTP site. This seems to be the latest. Here