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  1. M

    Hey Rayn, mind telling Tribalwar why you've become such a pussy

    For real bro. I remember the days when shitty trolls would be gone in a instant. but lately in the last few years you've gotten really soft. Handing out temp bans left and right. Given motherfuckers chance after chance. Whatever happen to the days when you had to actually have a real email...
  2. M

    My shitty thread was locked

    prolly by a shitty admin
  3. M

    I'm a really shitty person

    as evidenced by my retarded ass postings.
  4. M

    spiritualism vs religion

    which are you? I'm spiritualist. As any person with brains would know religion is slavery..for people who don't want to think, for those who want it simple...for those who want to be told what to do. Do I believe in a god, in a higher entity? Of course I do. Do I believe that Jesus is the only...
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    Isreal may attack Iran by weeks end - Israel Has Until Week's End to Strike Iran Nuclear Facility, Bolton Says Here's an interested little tidbit from that story Lets see if our Zionist friends have the balls to strike Iran.
  6. M

    Oh guess what guys...

    Today is the day I pay the very last bit of debt on my credit. It took me 3 1/2 months but I finally did it. Now I have a question. Before I purchase a home, do I have to wait for everything that I paid to clear off my credit report? (the only thing left negative is what I'm paying today.) or...
  7. M

    If Aliens Invaded Earth Today...

    Could we defend ourselves? If it was an air war maybe not. If it was a ground war I'd think we'd kick ass
  8. M


    Trip2Night - Buy Natural Herbal MDMA & Ecstasy Alternatives Seeing that there isn't any real ecstasy out there anymore I'm gonna try this shit. I'm tired of meth/ice/heroin pills and the niggers that pass it off as X.
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  10. M

    Who is your current favorite actor?

    Jason Statham and Woody Harrelson Yours?
  11. M

    gorgeous pictures of my first flush

    A bit cloudy outside, but had to get them harvested. I have a redneck theme setting going on here.
  12. M

    Whats the best program for photo viewing?

    Anything thats better than windows vista's viewer. I got a sony cybershot camera and want to bring out the best from my photos.
  13. M

    goodnight Tribalwar

    goodnight everyone, gonna finish up my beer take some kratom and head to bed. See you guys tommorrow. nighty night.
  14. M

    does anything tastes better than Budweiser?

    All I drink is budlight/budweiser. I tried corona without the lime and its just fucking godawful nasty. Tried Miller and its the perfect combination of piss and puke. I tried Natural and Coors and while they are pretty good it takes too many to even get buzzed up. So whats pretty good to drink...
  15. M

    Check out my Albinos bitches

    Sup everyone. Well its not the huge Shroom thread I was gonna make but I'm sure this will do. Here's some pics of the only surviving cake of seven from the Cubensis A+ Albino strain. I kinda fucked up and put all the jars in a hot ass shed. I learned my lesson with the Cambodians I got...
  16. M

    You know if the admins did their jobs...

    My ass wouldn't be here.
  17. M

    So what happens if I were to pop a Nitroglycerin pill?

    seriously, I have 2 of them. real small. I've always been told that popping one of these will cause a healthy person's heart to explode. Any TW druggies have any experience with Nitroglycerin?
  18. M

    Soon I will be growing Cambodian Mushrooms

    yep thats right, I'm back in Magic Mushroom business and TW will have a front row seat. From the day the spores come in to the day we dry and store the shrooms. I'll have detailed instructions and pics for all of you wanting to start your own little mushroom farm. I just ordered some Cambodian...
  19. M

    Rayn, can you kick Kittycat off your friends list and add me?

    I mean, he's pretty much permabanned anyway. Let me fill the slot. And why do you only have 19 friends anyway? What kind of douchebag shit is that?
  20. M

    Hi Tribalwar I just got home from work

    watcha doin guize? sorry I haven't been posting much lately, This computer has been acting screwy. Anywayz, I'm down to paying the last thing on my credit then its off to buy a house. Geez guize I can't wait!!!!:boogie: I haven't forgot about tribalwar and I've had some rather mundane posts...