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  1. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    Nobody said that. Tell everybody again how Europe is more restrictive than any state in America in getting an abortion. Just go sit down.
  2. Vanster

    Where is my homie Dare?

    He enjoys calling people by their first names, I guess it's because he wants to pretend he has friends? No idea.
  3. Vanster

    Where is my homie Dare?

    He's fine. He's fucking banned. What you mean by "take a chill pill" means that you want him to say sorry and ingratiate himself. Well, I've been authorized to invite you to tongue his shitter, and further inquire about the particulars of him fucking your wife. I hope that's chill enough.
  4. Vanster

    Today in History- 1985 Philadelphia.

    Yeah you shared your massive knowledge on abortion laws in Europe earlier, and we're all grateful for that Next, tell us how Auroras are caused by the corrupt Biden administration, and how all of Europe is in love with Trump. On the other hand, you could stop making shit up and getting caught.
  5. Vanster

    Current news thread

    Noem and Boebert 2024. Unstoppable
  6. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    I'm not mad per se. He and I aren't friends, and only started talking after he got banned for insulting Scooby, and Scooby made up a whopper of a lie that Dare threatened his life. :rolleyes: What I'm mad about is the triple standard. Scooby has one set of rules for the masses, a stricter set...
  7. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    It's what they do. Does anyone think for a moment, if people got all fired up over Scooby's kid, called him a bastard, openly speculated about the sex that brought the kid into the world, called said kid's mother a whore and a bitch, how long would they last here? They would have been...
  8. Vanster

    Today in History- 1985 Philadelphia.

    No, but I know other countries think of US citizens as some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, and proud to be dumb. Can you find say, Syria on an unlabeled map? No? And you're proud of that? And there is my point.
  9. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    I had a say in it.
  10. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    It gets very emotional when God-Squad people learn they are actually in a very small minority. In answer to your <insert joke> "Vanster's Abortion Clinic and Pizzeria, where your loss is our sauce, how may I help you?"
  11. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    My children are bastards? I drink alcohol? Where are you getting your information?
  12. Vanster

    Let's talk about the "Man or Bear?" TikTok-debate.

    Pretty sure TW does them daily. Of course they also do hispanics, asians, and in my case, LOVE to remind me of their ancestors committing genocide and how funny it all is to them. The problem with getting TW referred to Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate site, is there aren't enough people...
  13. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    If the pro-life crew are trying to persuade here, I'm not seeing it. I see name-calling, crying, and throwing up hands and saying "how the country is fucked." That isn't the way to convince anyone. If anything, the fence-sitters have read your posts, and decided to fall on the side of...
  14. Vanster

    Today in History- 1985 Philadelphia.

    Suck U.S. government dick? Venezuela has done nothing to us, and when the United States offered loads of conditional aid (conditions being that we get to build shiny new military bases there), they politely declined. Now, the US is in the middle of one of the biggest propaganda smears against...
  15. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    This morning, you, Scooby and the rest were saying that abortion in Europe is far more restrictive than in any state in the USA. How exactly, are we to believe ANYTHING coming from your side? The election was stolen. Hilary ate dead babies in a pizza joint. The Bush family helped assassinate...
  16. Vanster

    [Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

    In Western Europe where I lived, there is nothing about that statement that is even close to true. Maybe you're talking about Ukraine or something.
  17. Vanster

    Current news thread,Elementary%20as%20Ashby%20Lee%20Elementary. The United States is, fundamentally, a racist country. People forget that.
  18. Vanster

    Billybob needs an urgent intervention. Somebody please help him ASAP...

    Set mine to zero then. After you've done that, ban me because I insulted you.