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  1. Mitchdubai

    At the airport. Off the England...

    Just to check if it's still a massive shithole and check in on my Mom, she's in the hospital again, had a big stroke few days back on top of all her other issues. Doubt she'll be coming out of there so this is probably my last chance to see her. Son had his high school prom last night so...
  2. Mitchdubai

    Hello, Good Evening, and Bollocks

    Thank you for your participation.
  3. Mitchdubai

    Harrison Butker

    You'd think with a name like that you'd mostly just shut the fuck up. But oh no, not Harrison...
  4. Mitchdubai

    Why does Reggs only have a Kike button?

  5. Mitchdubai

    Billybob needs an urgent intervention. Somebody please help him ASAP...

    He seems to have discovered that rep is unlimited now. Which makes it even more pointless than it was before. So in the last week he has negrepped me over 1000 times. Yes, you read that right. Over one thousand. Dude obviously needs help. He must have such an awesome life to have time to be...
  6. Mitchdubai

    Green Day coming to Dubai

    Got my tickets. Much excite. $325 for a spot in the fan pit at the front is pretty large though.
  7. Mitchdubai

    Fist you recipe

    Lube. And probably gloves.
  8. Mitchdubai

    Bunch of cunts

    Population: Billybob
  9. Mitchdubai

    Havavax called me a brainwashed midget twatwaffle

    But I don't know what I said that triggered him because this forum DOESN'T FUCKING WORK PROPERLY. (It's probably just that he's permanently mad, but that's a great insult)
  10. Mitchdubai

    NoThinG HApPenEd

    Official thread of shit that didn't happen.
  11. Mitchdubai

    Tucker Carlson is possibly the dumbest motherfucker to ever exist.

    When even Joe Rogan thinks you're a stupid cunt...
  12. Mitchdubai

    If you smoke, or vape, you are a cunt.

    Watching the mother die because smoking was cool when she was 15. It's not so cool now she's 82. Watched my Dad die the same way. Genuinely struggling to understand otherwise intelligent people still smoking /vaping.
  13. Mitchdubai

    Matt Rife

    He's coming here soon. Hot new comedian. Like his shit. Disgust . CZ-aAd0gFAQ
  14. Mitchdubai

    Do you think in terms of Gibberish?

    Asking for a friend (Severed)
  15. Mitchdubai

    Im starting to like the new forum. Its growing on me. I still prefer cheese though tbh

    Especially Camembert. And Red Leicester. The forum is better than cheese fromunda. Just.
  16. Mitchdubai


    Anybody got one? I'm buying.
  17. Mitchdubai

    What are points and why does everyone have 113 of them?

    Errr........huh huh
  18. Mitchdubai

    Car thread. Best 5 cars you've ever owned.

    Do we still have to use Imgur to post images or is there a cleverer way? Anyway... 2010 Aston Vantage V12 (current) E60 M5 around 2010. 510hp V10 7 speed paddle shift. Fucking insane car. Hit 100mph in 7th and floor it, kicked down instantly to 4th and launched. Sadly spent more time in...
  19. Mitchdubai

    I would like to give +rep to Juggletits and Havax, while I still have some pretty green before some inbred hick catches up with me.

    But I can't, because "this toolbag limits users who can see his full profile" Fuck is this shit?
  20. Mitchdubai

    Roger's Profanisaurus

    America probably isn't ready for this. But if you've got 12 spare hours where you would normally be doomscrolling and making tummy button flakes, have a read. Or not :shrug: