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  1. L

    [So] Got married.

    Got married last weekend, after a 2 year engagement. Finally got the pics from the photographer. Sorry for no pics up to this point. Us in front of the minister Us vs. the cake from left to right: Maid of honor, my wife, me, best man
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    Painful Badger kill

    EVE-Kill Kill details Roughly 4 BILLION ISK in dropped loot alone.
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    [So] My corp found an exploitable bug, and it was awesome.

    My corp (Aperture Harmonics [AHARM]) is primarily a wormhole-living corporation. Through some careful planning and some badass software tools, we're making ISK and ruining people's days in deep WH space. We came across one of the more interesting environmental effects - Magnetars. Magnetar...
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    [CANDY] These are delicious.

    Unfortunately, they also made candy-corn flavored ones. Ew. /thread.
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    EVE+Poker = EVE Online Hold'em

    Eve Online Hold'Em -- IGB Site This is a service that's been running for a while, associated with EVE Online -- play poker with ISK (the in-game currency). Anyone else play?
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    [CAT] New kitten

    Fiance and I just got a kitten. One of the strays/outdoor cats around her parents' house had them a couple months ago. We didn't know this, however, and were greeted with the sight of multiple kittens when we stopped by on our way to my sister's wedding. They were just old enough to take one...
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    [Not OFN?] Mirror's Edge

    Picked it up for the 360 yesterday (had had it pre-ordered for the PC, but tried the demo on XBL and decided I could live with the controls--still got one of the messenger bags). Early impressions: Beautiful game, well executed. Well worth the $60. The setting appeals to me, as does the...
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    Dance, little robot puppet, dance!

    From El Reg: Koreans create dancing droid | Register Hardware
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    Why, advertisers, WHHYYY?

    Vv2M4aIMc-8 :picard: In other news, apparently PDC2008 attendees will be walking away with 160GB harddrives with early-beta/alpha/whatever versions of Windows 7. Who wants to guess how long it'll take before they end up on TPB?
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    [Vista] Power Management, Heat, and You

    Something I noticed while running Vista on my desktop: Vista's power management setup (check the advanced options) lets you manually throttle back your processor (minimum and maximum states). However, Vista's process-management seems to think that every background process needs 100% power...
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    [Win3.11] <Vader> NOOOOOOOO!

    John Coyne's Embedded Blog : It's the End for 3.11!!
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    [Programming] Google makes XML-alike, wanks.

    Google releases serialization scheme | The Register Cliffs: Scalability is generally a non-problem for engineers but still is a sexy one to consider. XML is evil (edit: and "akin to a veneral disease"). Google is just wanking hard here by reinventing the wheel here. Edit: XML is like...
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    [:picard:] Shipfits.

    This time: Haulerfits. [Viator, HAUL-N01] Overdrive Injector System II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II 10MN MicroWarpdrive II Kapteyn Sensor Array Inhibitor I Warp Disruptor II Improved Cloaking Device II Polycarbon Engine Housing I Polycarbon Engine Housing I...
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    "I'm in! I'm out! I'm in!"

    Yes, I'm wearing a TRI ticker again. Yes, we're going back up to the north. Reason: Leadership differences (cora, R A, and another corp are coming with us) between us, BDCI, Game Over (who apparently lost a titan being idiots). Probably the shortest alliance stint I've had (slightly shorter...
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    [Firefox] userContent.css - Lets you flag links you know you don't want to click.

    In your Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{profile directory}\chrone directory, there's a file called userContent.css (or userContent-Example.css, then it needs to be renamed userContent.css). What it does is add CSS stylings to all webpages you visit with...
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    [Wii] Nintendo raises middle finger to Twilight Hack

    June16 update - WiiBrew I find this particular message hilarious. Nintendo's devs wrote a specific function to remove the modified Zelda: Twilight Princess save files. EDIT: To anyone who doesn't know and might actually care (yeah, small cross-section there), the Twilight Hack was a method...
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    [Zombie] [NWS?] Zombie Pin-ups

    Zombie Pin-Ups Oook... Braiins
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    [NWS] Live Streaming from Miami

    NWS: Live Streaming from Miami :popcorn:
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    [So] I'm engaged.

    Notice to TribalWar: I am now engaged to a wonderful girl. She is a gamer and a computer science major here at the university. Date is set for after we both graduate from college. That is all. Cliffs: I am going to be married. She is not fat.
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    [BREAKING] Scientists claim to be able to tell if people are sluts via face pictures

    Shamelessly c&p'd from The Register :picard: