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  1. Edofnor

    off the florida

    this is 1 of the reasons y i always use palmolive
  2. Edofnor

    off the florida

    gators r haters
  3. Edofnor

    off the florida

    @lemon LIT U MEAN CLIT
  4. Edofnor

    off the florida

    i like football and porno and books about war i got an average house with a nice hardwood floor
  5. Edofnor

    off the florida

    gg getting pwned by the ~UNITED STATES MARINE CORE USMC MARINE CORPS SEMPER FI~ u dirty sneak attack japs
  6. Edofnor

    off the florida

    Safeway subs > Publix subs
  7. Edofnor

    off the florida

    WWRLES what would r lee ermey say?
  8. Edofnor

    off the florida

    jfc even oscar pistorius doesn't have that big of a mess on his nightstand get ur shit together u fking rookie p.s. i luv that brazilian blunt object i also enjoy tramontina saucepans
  9. Edofnor

    off the florida

    sry cael, in florida and other states that r deemed desirable victims by the democrats u have 2 wait 4 all the ~newcomers~ to get thru the docking process b/c they r more important than u
  10. Edofnor

    off the florida

    it is if they're fat white ppl tbch