4 days until Frigate V finishes and...

Frigate 4 is one step away (a big step) from Frigate 5, which is a couple more steps towards assault frigates and interceptors.

Only a couple more days until Analytical Mind finish up to V. That will make two learn skills up to or past lvl 5.

Damn, 2 whole weeks to get Frigate from 4 to 5 :o
Sp!nfusor Salad said:
Yea, tell me about it...

Ive got Amarr, Gallente, Caldari and Minmatar Frigate V.
Woh, are you going to anything certain? One of those uber crazy ass HAC2's or something?
Interceptors. Or just mean ass frigs for tackling. The minmatar vigil is awsome for tackling. Toss on a 200 plate, 1mn AB, 2 warp scrams and your in buisness. If you get in orbit. It will be almost impossible for a BS to hit you. Hell even most cruisers/HAC's will have a hard time as well. Stiletto is by far the best tackler tho. Test one of them out. You will be impressed. Just avoid combat for a while till you get the hang of them. Testing is the most important thing with a new ship.
K-Rex said:
Woh, are you going to anything certain? One of those uber crazy ass HAC2's or something?

Nah, i always wanted to fly every interceptor... so i trained and can fly any interceptor or asshult frigate from any race in the game.