Battle of the virtual signaling cupcakes

Now this is a really weird flex. I don’t feel like reading about this. What was their thought process?

Edit: actually that looked quite peaceful and didn’t see anything news worthy in that clip.
Now this is a really weird flex. I don’t feel like reading about this. What was their thought process?

Edit: actually that looked quite peaceful and didn’t see anything news worthy in that clip.
When there is no problem, say there was a problem anyway.
Now this is a really weird flex. I don’t feel like reading about this. What was their thought process?

Edit: actually that looked quite peaceful and didn’t see anything news worthy in that clip.
Thought process? They're all cringe progressives who are battling over which virtue is a bigger flex. That's the fun part.
They’re protesting Jews, I thought that’s right up TW’S alley?

It's up some of TWs alley for sure. Validuz, reggs, absent come to mind. Whole of TW? Hardly.

It's just entertaining watching division inside the progressive left. I'm lovin it.
aur0ra is another one of those. rofl

"I am better than everyone here on TW. You all think the same way except for me because I am enlightened and YOU are not"

he probably wears a mask in public
I thought the lbgtq+-*% crowd were in full support of Palestine, even though most Palestinians would stone them for being gay
Juggs brings the ignorance. Colour me shocked.
Yeah? Point out the "ignorance" midge.
Is it that the lbgtq*0/% crowd was supportive of Palestine?

Or is that people get persecuted harshly for being gay in Palestine.

The whole stoning schtick is such an ignorant take which you and Madvax throw around all the time to illustrate your favourite brand of dumbassery.
Right on cue.

Yeah it's illegal to use campaign funds to pay off pornstars too, but doesn't worry you in the least for some reason 🤷
lmao you sure about that?

you might wanna take a look at the case again, numbnuts.