blak dizcount no shitz?!

I wuz buying pringles at the store. The wite guy got 10 precenesce. I got nutin. centuriez of opprezion. were r my pringles?

dis shitz no last. we b uprisin. WTF

shoot me now. africa in americause.
racists shtiz. whu paz ful prise? not wites!

blaks pay eveyting. u give us money, but we pay it all. u dunt pay nutin.
wat b smilies?

fuckin razists keep us down.(! 88! who nows dat shitz?

were is my dizcount? u built this cuntry on my bak? were iz my discunt?
damnit nws that black dude fucking that blowup dolphin.. my 3yo walked by and goes "that guys naked"... I didn't report you this time but be a little considerate.