Check out my Albinos bitches

Sup everyone. Well its not the huge Shroom thread I was gonna make but I'm sure this will do.

Here's some pics of the only surviving cake of seven from the Cubensis A+ Albino strain.



I kinda fucked up and put all the jars in a hot ass shed.

I learned my lesson with the Cambodians I got going right now


I'll post some more pics as soon as the albinos are ready to harvest.

For those of you interested in growing your own shrooms, follow this tek

Its a very easy and basic way to learn how to grow shrooms. I'd suggest starting out the Cubensis B+ spores as they are the easiest to grow.
The Spore Works :: Spores for Microscopy :: Psilocybin Genera Spores (Major and Minor)

For cocksuckers like AlMuktar and Fishspum I recommend the Penis Envy.


Anyways hope you enjoy! Happy Shrooming!
Growing mushrooms in your girlfriends mothers house? You know she can have her property (trailer) seized for that right?

:ugh: holy shit look at all the roach droppings

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What I've never understood about people who grow shrooms is how they get the spores without alerting 1million people that you're getting ready to grow shrooms. I assume you purchased off internet or some sort of mail order. Is there a way to get them privately? I really have no desire to grow them. I'm just plain curious how people do it without getting busted...
All websites that sell them have a disclaimer "for Microscopy purposes only." I'm sure they know why your really buying them though, but if you mention to most of them what your gonna do then they will cancel your order and not sell to you anymore.
Hey Mr. Hitler you guys should fumigate that trailer. The roach shit everywhere is disgusting.