[College] Starting a business


So I go to the George Washington University and I'm going to be a sophomore this fall, and I have decided to start a computer repair service. Last year, being a CS major, I got numerous requests to fix random people I didn't knows' computers because their friend told them I was a CS major (didn't spark the popularity but that's not a problem). One of the main reasons I have decided to do this is because GW is the most expensive school in terms of tuition/room and board in the country and there are so many rich kids running around that they would spend money for fast pc repair. I figure I have a few steps to complete, and I made this thread so people could possibly lead me along in the process (all thoughts/comments are valued).

1. Business plan stating that my target demographic is college students, my goal being to eventually turn this into a small business with multiple repairmen/repairwomen while turning a profit.

2. Creating a website while grassroots advertising (probably Facebook, flyers on campus) builds up my client base. The website makes it seem as if it's a business instead of a 19 year-old student trying to make money in his free time.

3. Establishing credibility through positive transactions with clients.

As for experience, I worked for a cyber cafe as the computer technician while building/fixing customers computers while maintaining the cafes'. I now work for the Engineering Dept. as a Computer Lab Technician fixing/maintaining computers in the higher education field.

Starting computer repair business, help

if you have no input or comments, try and come up with a name for the business, i was brainstorming until i realized you guys would probably know better than me.
Call it CheapFix.

You know how much business you would get by simply dividing geek squad's prices in half? Zillions.
You have great ambition as a businessman, its too bad you are a CS major. You could have been a contender.
I would suggest that you be prepared to get a lot of people coming to get their shit fixed. That may not happen but it would still be best to be prepared. You could probably find a few other people to do this with and split the work and the money.
I would suggest that you be prepared to get a lot of people coming to get their shit fixed. That may not happen but it would still be best to be prepared. You could probably find a few other people to do this with and split the work and the money.

ive already talked to a couple friends about this, i do have my very flexible Lab tech job where I make $12 an hour which I would consider leaving if this actually takes off, but I realize I will need the help eventually.
You have great ambition as a businessman, its too bad you are a CS major. You could have been a contender.

I'm slowly beginning to realize that I might be better off with a double BA in CS and business instead of a BS in CS, and strangely enough my school has a degree plan for this =)
Good idea, just be careful with how exactly you setup contracts etc with people. I've done a lot of random free computer help for family/friends and nothing sucks more than going in, fixing something, but then something else gets jacked up the next week and you're on the hook to fix it.
"g(r)eek squad"
"Campus PC Repair"

If I knew how to write a business plan or build a website, I'd be happy to do so...for a fee. ;) Welcome to the world of business.
Friend of a Friend PC Repair

Geeks on Campus

Quickie Geeks (computer repair)

PC B-u-d-d-y
My two cents on the name:
Will Repair Computers for Sex

"Why yes mam, I would be more than happy to plug my USB Dongle into your motherboard so you can download some data" :sex:
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