Hi Tribalwar I just got home from work

watcha doin guize? sorry I haven't been posting much lately, This computer has been acting screwy. Anywayz, I'm down to paying the last thing on my credit then its off to buy a house. Geez guize I can't wait!!!!:boogie:

I haven't forgot about tribalwar and I've had some rather mundane posts lately.
Truth is, its boring out here at my Girlfriends parents house, so I haven't had any cool shit to post about. But mark my words, I'm gonna get into some shit so I can tell you all about it.

Well I gots me 2 days off so I'm gonna have me a beer or two and do some catching up on the forum. BTW some of you lucky few might be getting a friend request from me so keep on the look out. :D

I started work at my 6 month coop/internship yesterday. first thing i did when i got home was take off my pants and stand in front of a fan