If Aliens Invaded Earth Today...

You're an idiot if you think an alien race with the technology for inter stellar flight wouldn't have the technology or know how to wipe our ground forces out easily.
if we were as ambitious about space travel as we were back in the 60's...you know, when we were getting shit done. We'd prolly be getting close to building intersteller engines by now.
This would happen

How do you think we'd fair if we put the worlds modern armies against armies from WWI? Heck, even WWII? (The answer: Modern armies would take practically no casualties)

What do you think would be the technological gap between us and another space-faring civiliation.
How do you think we'd fair if we put the worlds modern armies against armies from WWI? Heck, even WWII? (The answer: Modern armies would take practically no casualties)

What do you think would be the technological gap between us and another space-faring civiliation.

fare not fair
How do you think we'd fair if we put the worlds modern armies against armies from WWI? Heck, even WWII? (The answer: Modern armies would take practically no casualties)

What do you think would be the technological gap between us and another space-faring civiliation.

This. Any planet with even a remote possibility of life is many many light years away. The technology to travel that distance is so far beyond us, they'd have technology we wouldn't stand a chance against.

The best analogy I've seen so far came from cracked: something like "It wouldn't be bullets vs lasers, it would be more like nukes vs sponges"