See Dick

Here are 400 words for the word penis that can be used in this thread. GLHF.

  1. Anaconda
  2. Antenna
  3. Appendage
  4. Armadillo
  5. Arrow
  6. Baby maker
  7. Baguette
  8. Bald Avenger
  9. Bald-headed giggle stick
  10. Bally Wacker
  11. Banana
  12. Banger
  13. Baseball bat
  14. Baton
  15. Bayonet
  16. Beast
  17. Beef bayonet
  18. Beef whistle
  19. Bellend
  20. Big boy
  21. Big guy
  22. Biscuit
  23. Bishop
  24. Black mamba
  25. Blastocyst
  26. Blood sausage
  27. Blue-veined custard chucker
  28. Blue-veined junket pumper
  29. Boaby
  30. Bobbin
  31. Bollocks
  32. Bologna pony
  33. Bolt
  34. Bone
  35. Boner
  36. Booboo
  37. Boom stick
  38. Boot
  39. Bopper
  40. Botswana beef bayonet
  41. Bouncer
  42. Bouncing Betty
  43. Braciole
  44. Brain
  45. Branch
  46. Bratwurst
  47. Broccoli
  48. Broccoli spear
  49. Brown trout
  50. Brownie
  51. Brutus and the Twins
  52. Bubble
  53. Bubble gum machine
  54. Buckaroo
  55. Buckwheat
  56. Buddah's belly button
  57. Buffalo soldier
  58. Bulge
  59. Bull
  60. Bull's-eye
  61. Bully beef
  62. Bully stick
  63. Bum tickler
  64. Bumper
  65. Burrito
  66. Buster
  67. Butt dart
  68. Butterbean
  69. Button
  70. Caber
  71. Cabeza
  72. Cactus
  73. Cadbury's c
  74. Cajones
  75. Camel toe
  76. Cane
  77. Cannoli
  78. Captain winky
  79. Capuchin
  80. Carrot
  81. Cervix sentinel
  82. Chameleon
  83. Champignon
  84. Cheese log
  85. Cheesestick
  86. Chef's special
  87. Cherub
  88. Chicken
  89. Chico stick
  90. Choad
  91. Chode
  92. Chopper
  93. Chowder
  94. Christmas goose
  95. Chub
  96. Chubby
  97. Chuck Dickens
  98. Cigar
  99. Cinnamon roll
  100. Clam
  101. Classic
  102. Clit stick
  103. Cloak
  104. Clock
  105. Club
  106. Cobra
  107. Cock
  108. Cod
  109. Colossus
  110. Commander
  111. Cone
  112. Conga
  113. Conquistador
  114. Consolation prize
  115. Cookie
  116. Corkscrew
  117. Corn dog
  118. Cornholio
  119. Cornish game hen
  120. Corporal
  121. Cossack
  122. Cougar bait
  123. Coxcomb
  124. Crank
  125. Crankshaft
  126. Creamer
  127. Crimper
  128. Crimson mushroom
  129. Crinkle-cut
  130. Crown jewels
  131. Crunchwrap
  132. Crème de la crème
  133. Cucumber
  134. Cummerbund
  135. Custard launcher
  136. Cylinder
  137. D's
  138. Dagger
  139. Dallas Dangler
  140. Danger noodle
  141. Darth Vader
  142. Deep sea diver
  143. Dick
  144. Dickas Hilton
  145. Ding dong
  146. Ding-dong
  147. Dingaling
  148. Dipstick
  149. Disco stick
  150. Dismount
  151. Divining rod
  152. DJ
  153. Dog
  154. Doggy
  155. Dolly
  156. Dong
  157. Donkey
  158. Doorknob
  159. Dope stick
  160. Dork
  161. Dormouse
  162. Double barrel
  163. Double dragon
  164. Downstairs department
  165. Drainpipe
  166. Driller
  167. Drumstick
  168. Dude piston
  169. Dumb stick
  170. Dutch courage
  171. Dutch rudder
  172. Excalibur
  173. Firehose
  174. Franks and beans
  175. Gerald
  176. Gherkin
  177. Giggeli
  178. Goldfinger
  179. Groin
  180. Hammer
  181. hammer of love
  182. Hammer of Thor
  183. handle
  184. hard drive
  185. Hard-on
  186. hardware
  187. hatchet wound
  188. he-man
  189. heat-seeking missile
  190. heat-seeking moisture missile
  191. helmet
  192. herbie
  193. Hercules
  194. high hard one
  195. hoo-ha
  196. hoo-hoo
  197. hook
  198. horn
  199. Hose
  200. hose
  201. hot dog
  202. hot rod
  203. hot sausage
  204. Humphrey
  205. hymie
  206. iceberg
  207. Indiana Bones
  208. Jack in the box
  209. Jack's magic beanstalk
  210. Jackhammer
  211. jammy
  212. janitor in the hallway
  213. java
  214. javelin
  215. jawbreaker
  216. Jedi
  217. Jefferson
  218. jelly doughnut
  219. Jenny Craig
  220. Jerry
  221. jiffy stick
  222. Jimmy
  223. Jizz Launcher
  224. John Henry
  225. John Johnson
  226. Johnson
  227. Jorma
  228. Joy-stick
  229. Joystick
  230. joystick
  231. Judge
  232. Juicy fruit
  233. jumbo
  234. Jumper
  235. Junior
  236. Junk
  237. junk
  238. justin
  239. Justus
  240. Kaiser
  241. kebab
  242. Keck
  243. Kennedy
  244. kielbasa
  245. King Ding Dong
  246. King Kong
  247. King Richard
  248. King size
  249. King snake
  250. King's scepter
  251. King's sword
  252. Kipper
  253. Kitty
  254. Knob
  255. Knobgoblin
  256. Knobhead
  257. Knobkerrie
  258. Knobstick
  259. Kraken
  260. Krull the Warrior King
  261. Kulli
  262. Kyrpä
  263. L'Engin
  264. L'Outil
  265. L'Unita
  266. Lady-pleaser
  267. Laidy's lollypop
  268. Lance
  269. Lancer
  270. Lava flow
  271. Leader
  272. Leaky faucet
  273. Leatherman
  274. Lechon
  275. Leek
  276. Leg
  277. Leg of lamb
  278. Leg of mutton
  279. Leggy
  280. Lemon
  281. Lemondrop
  282. Length
  283. Lengthy
  284. Leo
  285. Leosaurus
  286. Leper
  287. Leroy
  288. Leviathan
  289. Libido
  290. Lick
  291. Lickety-split
  292. Lighthouse
  293. Lightning rod
  294. Lil' bro
  295. Lil' willy
  296. Lily
  297. Lima
  298. Limber dick
  299. Limber jimmy
  300. Limbo
  301. Limousine
  302. Limp biscuit
  303. Limp noodle
  304. Limp penis
  305. Limp-dick
  306. Limp-jim
  307. Limpkin
  308. Lincoln
  309. Lindy
  310. Lingam
  311. Link
  312. Linty
  313. Lion
  314. Lipstick
  315. Liquidator
  316. Liquor stick
  317. Lissome
  318. Little birdie
  319. Little bro
  320. Little chap
  321. Little guy
  322. Little head
  323. Little john
  324. Little man
  325. Little peter
  326. Little soldier
  327. Little willy
  328. Lizard
  329. Lizard tongue
  330. Locomotive
  331. Log
  332. Lollipop
  333. Long Dong Silver
  334. Long dong silver
  335. Long fellow
  336. Long john
  337. Long johnson
  338. Long one
  339. Long stick
  340. Longfellow
  341. Longfellow diller
  342. Longhorn
  343. Longie
  344. Longjohn
  345. Longshanks
  346. Longstaff
  347. Magic Mike
  348. Magic stick
  349. Magic Wand
  350. Magic wand
  351. Manhood
  352. Meat Scepter
  353. Meat stick
  354. Member
  355. Micropenis
  356. Mini-me
  357. Missile
  358. Moby Dick
  359. Mojo
  360. Monster
  361. Mount Vesuvius
  362. Mr. Happy
  363. Mr. Winky
  364. Mule
  365. Mushroom
  366. Mushroom Head
  367. Mutton
  368. Myrtle
  369. Nard
  370. Nether rod
  371. One-eye Pete
  372. One-Eyed Monster
  373. One-eyed monster
  374. One-Eyed Snake
  375. One-eyed trouser snake
  376. One-eyed wonder weasel
  377. Organ
  378. Package
  379. Packer
  380. Packing heat
  381. Pecker
  382. Pee-Pee
  383. Pee-pee
  384. Peen
  385. Pencil
  386. Pencil dick
  387. Penile appendage
  388. Penile shaft
  389. Penile tissue
  390. Penile unit
  391. Penile weapon
  392. Penis
  393. Pepperoncini
  394. Peter
  395. Phallos
  396. Phallus
  397. Piece
  398. Pink Oboe
  399. Pintle
  400. Pipe
Is Major Dick a higher rank than General Dick?
It sounds like it should be higher, but general dick is in fact a higher ranking. I mean who wouldn’t want to be called major dick? Even if you got promoted to general at that point with the higher pay grade, I bet you’d have fond memories of being a major.