spiritualism vs religion

which are you? I'm spiritualist. As any person with brains would know religion is slavery..for people who don't want to think, for those who want it simple...for those who want to be told what to do.

Do I believe in a god, in a higher entity? Of course I do. Do I believe that Jesus is the only way to him and if I don't dedicate my life to worship him then I'll burn in everlasting torment? Fuck no.

I believe god could give a shit fuck less if we believe in him. Anything we believe in, weather it be science, the bible, muslims, buddha or whatever leads back to him anyway.

God is beyond human comprehension. No amount of religion or books on earth will get you closer to him. The only way to god is through yourself.
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation

gettin' closer to God, in a tight situation

p.s. agnostic
i wish I could suck my own cock so whatever that is that's me. I am a wanting to suck my own cockerer.
Making political and religious threads doesn't make you any less of a simple-minded inbreed Mr. Hitler.
I think there is a creator, though I dont think he gives a shit about what you do on a daily basis, doesn't particularly love you, and is quite likely neither aware, nor interested in our existence.

To the creator, we are probably about as 'planned for' as much as a baker plans for mold on his bread.
all you've done is define god differently than others. with that said...

everyone believes in god, including atheists ;)