The American Jew's current predicament, and how it develops. What will he do?

Antifa just showed up!

These are different from the student protests. All black, they arrived with hammers and climbed in windows in a group. All planned. They opened the building for the other students who are not in all black. Most of the students are wearing that middle eastern scarf thing. I think this is different because they got here and just started breaking things with a plan.

When the group initially barged into the building in the early hours, several campus facilities workers were still inside. The protesters removed some of the barricades to let them out.

One of the workers yelled, “They held me hostage” as he left the building and smacked somebody’s camera, the student newspaper reported.

Oh man, left wing university staff taken hostage by Antifa! Let them fight I say.
Trump is aware Regg

@Reggs (and @Validuz) one thing I've been thinking about is how you guys conduct yourself when "the Jew" is being spoken of. For instance, when people at work are talking about the Israel situation, or any domestic problems etc. Do you like slip the word Kike out here and there? Or are you careful. Have you surrounded yourself with likeminded people? Or are you moving through society like a ninja when it comes to jew-business. I've wanted to ask this for quite a while now and since Reggs uttered "finally being able to talk about it" in this thread I think this is the perfect timing.
Oh, I am way past the point of having to work in an actual building under company policy, so I couldn't care less.

Then again, when I did have to, I still spoke my mind. It's a professional setting, so no one (including myself) is going to bring up Jews or Israel, but if they were stupid enough to, I would happily say that Israel is our biggest enemy and that it's a shame so many misguided self-proclaimed Christians try to protect that shithole.

As far as racial slurs. I use them all the time when appropriate. Men who are afraid to speak their mind aren't men.
Regg you should write this woman

I'll start it off for you
Dear Eva my future girlfriend...
She is correct though. It’s not racist to say you don’t like what the immigrants have done to their countries. When people used to come to the US the majority worked hard and tried to assimilate. We still have those coming but they are getting drowned out by shit bags. We want those types to come…it’s what the US is all about. Not people to come here expecting to be paid for and wave their home flag around. The laws of the land have to come back and be enforced.
Stupid whore imagine being against cultural self immolation
Do some cocaine and fuck some Africans u dummm cunt :LOL: :sunny: