The American Jew's current predicament, and how it develops. What will he do?

@Reggs (and @Validuz) one thing I've been thinking about is how you guys conduct yourself when "the Jew" is being spoken of. For instance, when people at work are talking about the Israel situation, or any domestic problems etc. Do you like slip the word Kike out here and there? Or are you careful. Have you surrounded yourself with likeminded people? Or are you moving through society like a ninja when it comes to jew-business. I've wanted to ask this for quite a while now and since Reggs uttered "finally being able to talk about it" in this thread I think this is the perfect timing.
@Reggs (and @Validuz) one thing I've been thinking about is how you guys conduct yourself when "the Jew" is being spoken of. For instance, when people at work are talking about the Israel situation, or any domestic problems etc. Do you like slip the word Kike out here and there? Or are you careful. Have you surrounded yourself with likeminded people? Or are you moving through society like a ninja when it comes to jew-business. I've wanted to ask this for quite a while now and since Reggs uttered "finally being able to talk about it" in this thread I think this is the perfect timing.
I don't sympathize with Palestinians since it's only a matter of time before those room temp IQ cavemen bomb a Taylor Swift concert or similar. If Israel comes up I focus on how both the left, right, and media seem to support them. I'm good at subtle on the spot conversation and if I jew is present I can either let him know I know, or not, without anyone else in the room knowing by casually saying a few Yiddish words conversationally. "The media really thinks it can schlep out all these old neo con arguments and get the right wing to support dumb wars in the middle east again?" A jew feels seen when I say that, but no one else knows. More recently, I think it's very much true that when you say "Zionists" everyone thinks jews, even if you can get into technicalities. The way the left wing says that word now, it's a very close proxy to talk about jews or identify them.

The only time I've flown too close to the sun was when I identified someone as jewish to an asian coworker. Not in an antisemitic way. He asked how I knew he was jewish. I said by how he looks. He asked around and confirmed he was jewish, found I was right, and thought it was weird I was aware of it. thing I do think reggs is right on is the "matter of time" before they do something horrific such as bombing or shooting etc.