[DEI] Activision / Ubisoft


Veteran XX
Activision DEI Leaked! Plus:
- Your bonus and review depend on how hard you DEI.
- DEI Officers are installed on every dev team to ensure THE MESSAGE.

Of all the AAA Studios out there, my dev friends and contacts who have come forth tell me that Ubisoft and Activision are the very worst.
Last week, this was emailed out to all Activision employees, one of MULTIPLE DEI emails sent out weekly in a deluge of propaganda.



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Yeah, but apparently a lot of people are complaining that he's supposedly only been there for three months, was never a samurai etc blablablablayadadada
Plus everyone is just racist.. they proved that with bayek.. member how everyone hated him? oh wait..
Ever since the woke-mob discovered a black man in feudal Japan, all of Japanese history is revealed through the lived experience of this man. Even though, there isn't much actually recorded about him ... which is even better, because they can tell what ever story they want using him now and no one can complain about them making it up. He checks most of the DEI boxes ... except being gay and a chick.

A black man in ancient Japan would be a great premise for a "fish out of water" story and it shouldn't be that they want to put a black protagonist in a Samurai story ... it's why they did it. Why they have been doing it every chance they get and acting like they're so clever about it that we can't see it for what it is. Pandering DEI bullshit.

And when the game is released and derided for their obvious antics, they'll do what they always do ... blame everyone for being racist incels and then move on to making another one.
That's why I hated the new woke version of the mini series Shogun (now apparently a 3 season story that wasn't needed). The book (and original mini-series) was a great story. Hollywood took that great story and wokified it so much that the main character in the story, Blackthorne, was turned into a simpering whiny bitch, all the women were suddenly badass killing machines and changed so much of the backstories of a bunch of secondary characters that it little resembles the original plot.

And the novel was based on the lives and exploits of real life people, except these people actually lived most of their lives in Japan, not just some obscure black guy who hung around for a couple of months and didn't do much of anything.

And what really gets me is just how many people are claiming this new series is a work of art, storytelling of the highest order, a masterpiece.

It's fucking crap. At least the original mini-series was actually filmed in Japan, not some British Columbia middle of nowhere that did nothing but rain all the time. Didn't know that Japanese forest were nothing but pine and fir trees and resembled a rain forest.
wait shogun is woke

haven't seen it yet

i thought it "good"
I'm biased, but I loved the novel and the 1980s mini series, so I went into watching the new remake with a skeptical eye. The first five minutes I was yelling (in my head) "that is NOT how it happened" over and over. Just those five minutes in and I know the show was going to suck.

Everyone praising the show are morons who never read the book and didn't have the first clue about the story, or even the real events that happened that the book is based on. James Clavell would be shocked at how his characters and story were mistreated.
I'm biased, but I loved the novel and the 1980s mini series, so I went into watching the new remake with a skeptical eye. The first five minutes I was yelling (in my head) "that is NOT how it happened" over and over. Just those five minutes in and I know the show was going to suck.

Everyone praising the show are morons who never read the book and didn't have the first clue about the story, or even the real events that happened that the book is based on. James Clavell would be shocked at how his characters and story were mistreated.
Didn't read the books or see the original. If you want, we can create 2 threads that harkens back to the GOT days

Thread 1: Book Fags
Thread 2: Ignorati
Didn't read the books or see the original. If you want, we can create 2 threads that harkens back to the GOT days

Thread 1: Book Fags
Thread 2: Ignorati
Yeah, let's do a remake of titanic, but change jack and rose to be fluid gender lesbian people of color who end up saving the ship and all on board by declaring the white iceberg as racist and asserting their victim hood to prevail.

Or, maybe stick to the story with prettier graphics and gratuitous nudity.
not rly

for example, look @ how so very many ppl outside of new jersey think rao's is a good red sauce

Besides, if one were to think about Ubisofts decision to insert a darkie as the main character in an Asian game setting, it fits PERFECTLY with modern day audiences. Think about it - a darkie running wild, beating the shit out of little Asian people left and right; Black on Asian violence in modern day America has now come to video game format. Strange how the Jew-controlled media refuses to discuss this happening today in America but they are perfectly fine promoting a video game where that is the main focus of the game.