Heaven/Hell servers


i have been denied
Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX

since not many people go to #heaven anymore.

A large collection of demos will also be available (via Andrews Demo Archive tool).
The same collection will be sent to TW, but that will be done via CD or DVD. Tad hard to upload 6000+ demos from here.
wait, what?

edit: ok here's what that link says for those of you that are lazy

Currently Hell is dead, the machine died and won't be put back online.
However, 2 new servers are in the process of being built and put online, one will be to replace Hell and the new one will be a secondary server and eventually a T:V server.
The new Hell server will be a P4 system capable of hosting 2 T1 servers, we just need to find out what kind the public wants hosted.
Several suggestions have come in to have one dedicated to LT and one dedicated to standard CTF. Due to the fact that Heaven was to be used for matches only and there currently is little to no competition in the T1 arena this might not be the best use of the machines.
Enter you, the public.

What should we do with the servers? and it won't be anything but tribes related so don't bother making suggestions to any other games.
Should we have server1 host Heaven, and keep it match/scrim only and have server2 host a public CTF and LT server?
Have it the way it was and Heaven on one and Hell on the other...?
Send us your ideas Here so the new servers can be put online as soon as possible. April 23 is when the new servers will be sent out to be put online, so if you want something other than what there currently is let us know now, cause we don't want to hear you bitching about it later.
first page... I suggest you make Heaven what 5150 is now and soon will not be--host all the maps, including non-ctf.. leave the server public but reservable for matches/scrims.

edit: I have to plug a server for Alternative Tribes. Get rotations of C&H/F&R/D&D going. If you want to dedicate a server to non-CTF, that is my choice. I still say the primary CTF server should emulate 5150.
lecatPuke said:
first page... I suggest you make Heaven what 5150 is now and soon will not be--host all the maps, including non-ctf.. leave the server public but reservable for matches/scrims.


Since 5150 is removing the t1 servers again, leave heaven in that role. Perhaps put one of the 2 Hells up as the same thing, except have heaven for matches and scrims, and leave hell wide open or something.

Put the other Hell in as an occasional match server? Host another t3 server? Your call. Maybe you could be one of the few with 2 match servers available in t3.
Just make it so that it's like a clean substitute for the 5150 servers. Hell = 5150 E2, Heaven = 5150 E (as opposed to 5150 W)
Heaven a Public scrim/PU server with all maps loaded, where the votes dictate what's played.

Hell as a private server for reserved matches/scrims, as well as previously-planned pickups etc.
lecatPuke said:
first page... I suggest you make Heaven what 5150 is now and soon will not be--host all the maps, including non-ctf.. leave the server public but reservable for matches/scrims.

edit: I have to plug a server for Alternative Tribes. Get rotations of C&H/F&R/D&D going. If you want to dedicate a server to non-CTF, that is my choice. I still say the primary CTF server should emulate 5150.

i am backing this up 100 %
I suck at tr, so I'd like some regular rabbit.

as long as it's not fucked up like 5150's is (I think it's their's)
lecatPuke said:
first page... I suggest you make Heaven what 5150 is now and soon will not be--host all the maps, including non-ctf.. leave the server public but reservable for matches/scrims.

edit: I have to plug a server for Alternative Tribes. Get rotations of C&H/F&R/D&D going. If you want to dedicate a server to non-CTF, that is my choice. I still say the primary CTF server should emulate 5150.

A non CTF server would rock.
I don't play Tribes much at all anymore due to my internet connection, but I'm going to offer a suggestion anyways.

In preparation of T:V, have one of the servers be a T1 mod for T:V. Theta started working on such a T1 mod a while ago in Tribes Talk. I know most of you hate most mods (and I do too myself, but this is a mod that's supposed to emulate at least some things in T:V, so try giving it a chance).

Here is the thread that started the idea (the discussion regarding the mod starts on page 12); http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279630&page=12&pp=20

and here is another thread regarding the mod; http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280321&page=1&pp=20

I just bumped the second thread right now so it should be on the first page again. It's called "Tribes 1/2 - T:V Mod."

Keep in mind that none of us has a working build of T:V, so some of the stuff is just based on speculation and guesses. One thing we do have is a good deal of information regarding what T:V is like relative to T1 and T2, so I think it'd be possible to make a somewhat reasonable mod of what T:V gameplay might be like. Even if it turns out to be nothing much like what T:V really is, I think it'll still be fun to play around with. This mod is not as *major* a change to Tribes as most other mods -- Shifter, Renegades, Insomniax, etc. -- so please don't be immediately scared off by it. :)

Here is a listing of some of the changes included in the T:V mod already, and most of these changes are consistent with what information the Dev have provided us on Tribes Talk. The following information is ripped from what's in Theta's readme file included in the download linked below. All comparisons are to T1 base.
* Changes to physics

* Players spawn in Medium Armor
* Medium Armor is 90% as fast as T1 Light Armor
* Light Armor running speed is increased, mass is decreased, and life is decreased
* All armor types have 3 weapon slots

* Blaster has shotgun projectiles, with weaker damage done per projectile
* Plasma Gun projectiles are faster
* No ELF Gun
* No Mines

The mod is available for download here (the TVBasic folder should go in your Tribes\ directory); http://gotcoffee2.homestead.com/files/TVBasic.zip

It seems like Theta's tvbasic.bat file is an incorrect shortcut. Instead, download and use this one I made (place it in your Tribes\ directory, and double click to run); http://www.josephe.com/tribes/tvbasic.bat

There is still a lot of work to be done, and several fixes to be made. Just thought I'd toss this idea in the air though :)
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No way! We T2 players have been waiting patiently for our chance to reverse-engineer T:V, just like T1 players did to T2. ITS OUR TURN!
Apotheosis said:
I don't play Tribes much at all anymore due to my internet connection, but I'm going to offer a suggestion anyways.

In preparation of T:V, have one of the servers be a T1 mod for T:V. Theta started working on such a T1 mod a while ago in Tribes Talk. I know most of you hate most mods (and I do too myself, but this is a mod that's supposed to emulate at least some things in T:V, so try giving it a chance).

I Typically dont flame, but this has to be the worst idea ever !!! How can you even call this a T:V mod for T1 when the game has yet to be released even to beta ??? I think any mods that wish to be called that should at least wait till the beta comes out.

Anyways, personally, I would load all maps/mods for whatever mod you would be running, assuming u will be running zadmin. You can have all the maps/mods available for that and let the players decide for the missions/maps to be played. As for reservations, you should have enough admins available to handle the request. Maybe put up a forum/calendar script on a website, php or whatever where people can come to request server reservations, and have certian times that the servers can be reserved, i.e. 7-11 est. or whatever. You could either let both servers be reserved or only one of them. I think whoever helps you admin that particular function should have console to unpassword them or whatever after matches, or whatever.

Anyways, thats one possible way to run both of them till the T:V beta comes out.
posr said:
I Typically dont flame, but this has to be the worst idea ever !!! How can you even call this a T:V mod for T1 when the game has yet to be released even to beta ??? I think any mods that wish to be called that should at least wait till the beta comes out.

I thought I explained that very clearly when I said the following. It's pretty much a disclaimer for everything you just said;
Apotheosis said:
Keep in mind that none of us has a working build of T:V, so some of the stuff is just based on speculation and guesses. One thing we do have is a good deal of information regarding what T:V is like relative to T1 and T2, so I think it'd be possible to make a somewhat reasonable mod of what T:V gameplay might be like. Even if it turns out to be nothing much like what T:V really is, I think it'll still be fun to play around with. This mod is not as *major* a change to Tribes as most other mods -- Shifter, Renegades, Insomniax, etc. -- so please don't be immediately scared off by it. :)
Apotheosis said:
There is still a lot of work to be done, and several fixes to be made. Just thought I'd toss this idea in the air though :)

We can call this a T:V mod because it is the closest thing we have to T:V in our hands. If T:V beta was released, there would be little point to having this mod, as most people would just play the beta. This mod isn't meant to "replace" or take the place of T:V, but rather to be more like a fun experiment until T:V beta is released.
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