Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

what do u think gods gonna say when he finds out u knew it was child murder all along and didn't do ne thing to stop it
u weren't around but we had a really great thread about why christianity is the most important force in western civilization but not important enough to actually practice these days
Well we can't really know can we.. we had the bibles morals. I guess we will have to find an alien world uninfluenced by religion before we find out for sure. I was in that thread dumbass
what do u think gods gonna say when he finds out u knew it was child murder all along and didn't do ne thing to stop it

We'll hash it out in purgatory man chillax. I dunno the point rating system for pedophiles versus abortion-lovers maybe it'll balance out.
welcome back pretzel mate i'd love to hear some more ideas from the ppl who thinks it's child murder but think the murderers should be allowed to roam free in society
I don't think the murderers should be roaming free I think they should get back in the fucking kitchen and make me a sandwich
i miss the days when havax would threaten people with murder in this place

now he's all like YoU CaN'T KiLL tHE BaBiEs EveRyOnE11!
Killing babies is never ok guys.

Except early on
Except rape
Except incest
Except life of mother
Except genetics disorders

Why can't you guys get with the consistency.
it's baby murder but only juggs has the courage to lock up the murderers

that's the difference between someone who believes it's baby murder and someone who is merely larping