[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Lets be honest - there is not a viable solution that everyone will agree with.

RvW was the law of the land. Why did it get overturned? Because some abortion advocates felt that the 15 week limit in Mississippi law was not long enough. While I disagree with the 2018 law (15 week) because it didn't have what I think are reasonable exceptions, it was law. While RvW also established that states should not ban abortion before 20 weeks, two different states passed laws with short times (6 & 12 weeks) and the SCOTUS chose NOT to review those laws. Now....if you are the person leading the Mississippi lawsuit...and you know that SCOTUS didn't really want to get involved....why push it? Its a gamble.

But they did....they wanted more than 15 weeks. What they got was worse for them.

I agree with the others who realize this isn't going to be solved by political parties. They don't want to. Its an issue they can manipulate.

If magically abortion was determined to be legal up to 12 weeks, with certain exceptions (health, rape, incest, medical reason the woman didn't know by 12 weeks), and after that too bad, the left should be happy but they wouldn't be. They want more. They want it all. The right would be pissed that its fully legal but I don't think they would respond as harshly. But now what? How do people find issues? There are plenty out there, but abortion is the foundation of the dem platform.

So we can all discuss and debate, attack and defend....but it won't matter at all.
I think there is a solution everyone will agree with if you can get everyone on both sides of the issue to make concessions.

For instance

Abortions should be legal in the case of incest, rape, or threat to mother's life, without question. BUT..it requires a police report/Drs. peer-reviewed recommendation.
In the absence of those scenarios, the option for abortion ends at the first trimester.
There should be a limit set on abortions. I would say a limit of 2, after that, you're a parent.
i agree lets get the govt the count em out

after 2 baby murders ur donesies its time to be a single mom
Again, you really need to go interact with the type of people who typically get abortions. All the things you are saying clearly imply you don't understand them at all.
I interacted with them for about 3 years up close and for about a decade second hand. My mother ran a clinic here in st. pete that did pregnancy terminations. I was security that walked the girls in from the parking lot, and held off the pro-lifers when they got violent. Mom's clinic was burned to the ground 3 times, had nailbombs set by the doors for the dr's and nurses, and and many time pro-lifers had the girls backed into the office and wouldn't let them out of the building.
I saw those women getting abortions. Mostly ignorant, uneducated, their only skill is fucking. And then there were the party girls who got knocked up after a drunken fuckfest. THe same women would come in on a monthly/semi-monthly basis, over and over again using abortion as contraception.
i agree lets get the govt the count em out

after 2 baby murders ur donesies its time to be a single mom
Its almost like someone should possibly consider these things before they are getting banged out in the back of their mom's corolla
it's personal responsibility for thee

i especially loved the im too scared to get a vasectomy posts from yesterday
I interacted with them for about 3 years up close and for about a decade second hand. My mother ran a clinic here in st. pete that did pregnancy terminations. I was security that walked the girls in from the parking lot, and held off the pro-lifers when they got violent. Mom's clinic was burned to the ground 3 times, had nailbombs set by the doors for the dr's and nurses, and and many time pro-lifers had the girls backed into the office and wouldn't let them out of the building.
I saw those women getting abortions. Mostly ignorant, uneducated, their only skill is fucking. And then there were the party girls who got knocked up after a drunken fuckfest. THe same women would come in on a monthly/semi-monthly basis, over and over again using abortion as contraception.
I believe all of this
I think there is a solution everyone will agree with if you can get everyone on both sides of the issue to make concessions.
I will agree with giving the State the right to outlaw abortions if - and only if - welfare and food stamps are also outlawed. That way, when Shaniquia has a baby and it starves to death, she will be tried for killing the kid and thrown in prison where she can no longer breed and ignore her responsibilities like they are low batteries in her fire alarm.
He says all that but then thinks those same people are going to produce meaningful members of society.

Juggs reminds me of the same people that cheer on war in Ukraine. He loves the dopamine hit of acting virtuous, but he's not about to actually get his hands dirty and adopt an unwanted child.
Leftoid mantra of skirting responsibility by any means necessary

Hey you told that skank ho not to have an abortion now it's your duty to raise her child :LOL:
Leftoid mantra of skirting responsibility by any means necessary

Hey you told that skank ho not to have an abortion now it's your duty to raise her child :LOL:

I can't wrap my head around how you think that person is going to be a good parent. You've forced them to have a baby by law against their will and then the second the baby is born all of your compassion for the child is lost. You'll donate no money or time to orphanages, you will not adopt, you'll literally do nothing but virtue your morals in the most meaningless way possible.

Then when the kid grows up to be a piece of shit, you'll cry about how terrible the parents are. If only we could have predicted this outcome.
I can't wrap my head around how you think that person is going to be a good parent. You've forced them to have a baby by law against their will and then the second the baby is born all of your compassion for the child is lost. You'll donate no money or time to orphanages, you will not adopt, you'll literally do nothing but virtue your morals in the most meaningless way possible.

Then when the kid grows up to be a piece of shit, you'll cry about how terrible the parents are. If only we could have predicted this outcome.

Hope that's a general "you" because I'm fine with whatever abortion laws are in place. I thought I was fairly clear that I don't consider this a political issue. My babies are safe. If you wanna kill yours the moral burden is on you.
I might squabble over funding but that's about it. I'd be down if electives had to be paid out of pocket. Emergencies covered publicly. At least that way you're not making the fundamentalists and staunch pro-lifers fund the murder of babies. Leftist pro-abortion types must be willing to throw a buck or two into the pot, maybe start a charity.
Agreed. I'd be fine with my taxes going to provide free contraception though. Kind of shocked this isn't something both parties can agree on and get done.