Remember that laser missile intercepting plane?

Who told Dealy he could speak? I don't think permission has been granted for you to remove your muttchops from the bottle.

did you know that Putin modified his ICBM's to zig zag?
CarpeIppon says this is no problem, as the laser will be able to compute and fire instantaneously! Therefore the direction and speed of travel of the icbm or plane is completely irrelevant. Actually almost all forces acting on the laser are irrelevant, since the laser does everything instantaneously!

I think arsin envisions this device loosely bolted down to the floor of the plane with a few bolts and maybe a playing card shoved under one side to make it flat . .. .
They'd need a super accuarate torque wrench (you dumb fuck).

You completely misunderstood my point (you dumb fuck). Thankfully everyone else but shit for brains above and you, managed to understand. Shit for brains is a drunk and his brain is slop. That's his excuse. What's yours?

Oh, talking about dumb fucks, Ender isn't here, but we already know which side of the dam he'll jump too.
Ever try to shoot a rifle at a target while you're walking? Now try running ... now try flying.

Now you see why it is useless.

I'd expect posts (grossly stupid) like that from Ender and now I know to expect them from you.

Haha fucking retard.

Yeah they have some dude in the plane aiming the laser with a joystick as they fly through turbulence. First time they tested it he missed by 10 miles and vaporized a flock of geese.
hey guys, this totally impossible despite already having a successful test of the tracking systems and having other existing weapons surmount similar challenges 30 years ago, so i'm going to make retarded analogies and plug my fingers in my ears going lalalalalala. lololol.
But light is so slow and the missile is moving real fast. It's impossible to point a slow weapon like light at a moving target.
Oh and if the laser has to go through moisture in the atmosphere it will reflect off the ice crystals and make rainbows. Lots and lots of real bright rainbows that will blind people.

There is no way this can work. Common fucking sense people. My god you are stupid.
Posting in this thread to say that a moving Abrams tank can hit a moving target at ranges (>5km) greater than it's ability to identify it's target accurately. This has been a fact for almost 20 years. It's called 'turret stabilization" and it's a feature common to every turret mounted weapon in recent history.

If you think a light speed laser can't hit a moving target you're a retard.

Oh and if the laser has to go through moisture in the atmosphere it will reflect off the ice crystals and make rainbows. Lots and lots of real bright rainbows that will blind people.

There is no way this can work. Common fucking sense people. My god you are stupid.

I'll assume you're joking. A laser of sufficient power won't have issues like that.
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The military has cancelled this project, this exercise in wasting tax payer funds has now ended.

Would they have cancelled this program if they thought it could work? :no:

Owned List
Doc Holliday
The military has cancelled this project, this exercise in wasting tax payer funds has now ended.

Would they have cancelled this program if they thought it could work? :no:

It was old news that they cut this from the budget when this thread was created 2 months ago... look at post 4 and 6

You are so behind its not even funny

and what is worse that you bumped a 2 month old thread just to bring this up, you must have been brooding about it for a long time.

I think you should add yourself to your "owned list"
The military has cancelled this project, this exercise in wasting tax payer funds has now ended.

Would they have cancelled this program if they thought it could work? :no:

Owned List
Doc Holliday

you're an idiot. there is a big difference between "able to work" and "cost-effective/necessary"
The aiming system would have to predict how the plane will move. That ain't going to happen.

Catch the ICBM while it is still accelerating? That would require an intercept within minutes of notification, and with aircraft only miles away from the launch site. That ain't gonna happen.

The ICBM travel time is I think, about 40 minutes. Chances are that laser will have to reach many miles 100's probably, to hit the target. And if the laser is off by 0.0000001% it will miss. So that ain't going to happen.

Heck if the fucking mounting bolts of the laser experience temperature change, that will throw the axis of the laser off from the axis of the plane. This is just one little technical consideration of 1000's involved.

Yea I thought shooting on the run was a better example than comparing a tank to a plane. Atleast they are both on the ground.

A moving tank will usually miss stationary targets, that's why they stop to take a kill shot, and the target is within 2 miles. The plane has a scale of movement and acceleration magnitudes greater than a tank - not to mention it's target is also moving and being buffetted.

lol tank comparision lol

^ see how the application of common sense reveals the absurdity of a proposition? Better luck next time using that nut between your shoulders.

Are you fucking stupid?

We have fly-by-wire systems that do all that and more in active weapon systems right now. You think that's difficult? The gun sight HUD on the F-18 accurately predicts where bullets will hit a given target to within a couple of inches in real time -- in the middle of a high speed dog fight. Do you have any idea of the ridiculous math and computing power that requires?

We've been doing it for [strike]years[/strike] decades.

The only reason we haven't already fielded directed energy weapons is because DoD still has a hard-on for conventional warfare. The challenges aren't technical ones.
The military has cancelled this project, this exercise in wasting tax payer funds has now ended.

Would they have cancelled this program if they thought it could work? :no:

Owned List
Doc Holliday
Thanks for highlighting what an absolute ignorant fool you are, arsin. It was highly entertaining watching you bury yourself. :rofl:

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arsin (by self)
Hey Arsin...

The 1980's called, they'd like to let you know that we've already shot shit down using lasers on a plane:

The Airborne Laser Lab was a gas-dynamic laser mounted in a modified version of a KC-135 used for flight testing. Similar to the commercial Boeing 707, the slightly smaller KC-135 was designed to military specifications and operated at hight gross weights. The NKC-135A (S/N 55-3123) is one of 14 KC-135As permanently converted for special testing. It was extensively modified by the Air Force weapons Labratory at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, and used in an 11-year experiment to prove a high-energy laser could be operated in an aircraft and employed against airborne targets. During the experiment, the Airborne Laser Lab destroyed five AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles and a Navy BQM-34A target drone.

Airborne Laser Laboratory
I know they've hit targets, I am sure they've worked damn hard, firing off 1000's of lasers beams, carefully constructing the perfect scenario to make sure something gets hit. And after 11 years of testing, 1000's of shots, they've hit 4 or 5 times.

The whole idea behind using a laser on a plane to hit other airborne targets is simply ridiculous.

Read my posts above for further information. I left a small list, you can ignore those posters ;)
The military has cancelled this project, this exercise in wasting tax payer funds has now ended.

Would they have cancelled this program if they thought it could work? :no:

Owned List
Doc Holliday


FYI, what gets canceled from the budget has much more to do with politics than whether it works or not. Plenty of great weapons systems have been canned because their manufacturer was in a state that didn't have a senator or representative with enough clout to push it. And plenty of terrible weapons have lasted for ages or been in extended costly development for the same reason.

Owned List
arsin (by self)
I know they've hit targets, I am sure they've worked damn hard, firing off 1000's of lasers beams, carefully constructing the perfect scenario to make sure something gets hit. And after 11 years of testing, 1000's of shots, they've hit 4 or 5 times.

The whole idea behind using a laser on a plane to hit other airborne targets is simply ridiculous.

Read my posts above for further information. I left a small list, you can ignore those posters ;)

Yet, every little bit of shit you spew can easily be debunked by simply pointing at an abrams tank or any fighter aircraft built since the 1960's
The whole idea behind using a laser on a plane to hit other airborne targets is simply ridiculous.

Yeah, its so dumb to fly above the cloud layer and not have to worry about atmospheric effects. And light is so slow, it can't possibly compensate for zigzagging.