Should we remove 2FA

Should 2FA be removed

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Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
I will let the public decide. Personally I don't care but I have been getting a lot of complaints.

The capcha is updated though
I've had no problems other than in the very beginning. Now I'm just logged in ? so I'll vote no, but others having problems??? dunno
So far, so good. I've had and have nightmarish problems with websites that fail to save cookies properly (or whatever the fuck is happening) and end up having to verify every time I visit. That hasn't happened here, so we're all good.
The best 2FA story had to be vanster. The website forces it, then he "turns it off in preference" then of course it forces him to do it the next time he logs in.

Then he said it was a problem with the website because of that.
idc so ill pass on voting, but just for discussions sake

i dont rly get how it increases security if it can be done via email

like if a new user regs, doesn't it send code via email confirming email is legit? now you have '2fa' which (with email option) is confirming the email is still active? seems like that's all it's accomplishing

and if that kinda renders it pointless, should that be removed and authy/phone/etc enforced? i kinda dont love that either

You have spoke and I have listened.

2FA will only be asked on same device every 60 days.

for vanster it will ask every 5 minutes

long live the forum where we only talk about Trump and racism or some shit *huzzahhh*
in current gaming news, i got age of empires 3 on a bargain bin steamer sale and i am currently playing the :flag: USA :flag: missions

nathaniel banks is like a proto-boomber pissing away his grandkids' inheritance so he can pal around w/ terrorists like george washington, it's fun stuff