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  • I would have left you a rep comment but my phone is a retard and makes it difficult. Anyway...helloooooooo!
    ugh i'm retarded i was spreading rep around so i could rep msg u again and then after doing it just left the rep msg blank :stab:

    i live in montana actually :bandit: medical state baby. i know u don't like smalltowns really; it's kinda boring tbh. but it's real relaxing and quite beautiful if ur ever in the area. have a good 1 bra; there's always 1 day
    YEP high at the exact same time.

    we won the game.
    You should have told the dude to SHOVE IT. I would be pissed if my tattoo guy wanted to add shit to mine. I was too busy making sure he didn't fuck up the star outline.
    ok, Skysnipe would burn because he has alot of bodyfat, which when on fire acts like a kerosene lamp. If I remember correctly you have zero bodyfat, so you would actually be hard to ignite and harder to keep burning. learned this watching mythbusters, so don't worry, I do not know this from personal experience. I myself would burn a little while.
    go on skype if you get this. i just got back (9:37pm thurs night, prob 7am or so thurs morning for you - i'll be here for a while)
    so, i was taking a shit just now and i saw a spider out of the corner of my eye and i was like no u cant watch me while i shit so i wiped my ass and thru that paper in the toilet then grabbed more tp and got the spider on the wall and dropped that tissue on the shit tp already in the toilet so the spider got shit on him then he was like omg no wtflol and i flushed lol bye spider
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