I would like to give a special shoutout to Skipperlipicus


Veteran XV
It has been years, like years, since those epic Game of Thrones book/show threads. Yet after all this time, like Snape still loving Potters mom, he leaves me neg rep of "the north remembers".

Basically. He's made no attempt to get over his butthurtness. But i do commend his dedication to the cause.
man, i'm glad i still don't kno about most of that normie fairy tale

i kno u guys got let down ~BIGLY~ by the final seasons of that show
he spoiled the red wedding for posters here - i'd already read the books, so it wasn't news to me, but it was still a dick move.

the north remembers

False. I posted after it aired EST, but before it aired in later timezones. I justified this by saying dumbasses shouldn't be reading a thread full of spoilers if they don't want to be spoiled, especially the night of.

oooohhh right, i remember i think. I told you if you keep giving me -reg over stupid shit I was going to tell you happened to jon snow. But if, as you say, you read the books, you already knew that. Maybe that was someone else ha
If you ever decide to watch it, stop after Season 4 and just invent your own ending. If curiosity gets the better of you, really stop after Season 6. Like seriously.
If you ever decide to watch it, stop after Season 4 and just invent your own ending. If curiosity gets the better of you, really stop after Season 6. Like seriously.

Im terrible with fantasy stuff fell asleep 20minutes into lotr in the theatre just not my thing