Marvel Animation's X-Men '97 (2024)

The only reasonable comparison would be to men. So no. They most certainly aren't 'powerful' :LOL:
We've seen photos of you and we know your life situation bro this sort of projection is supposed to be more transparent.
Watched the first episode and was like meh....maybe not my thing style wise. Will try again this weekend as I finally have some time. Wouldn't be the first show I watched and had to force myself to get a few episodes in before I really started liking it.
The writing and art for the Batman animated series was better. X-Men had too much going on with different characters, and so many of them were just very lame. No Xmen fan I knew thought Cyclops was cool, but he was the leader? It made no sense to me.

The animated Batman series kicked off Batman often having a very art deco theme. It made it look very American.