[RIP] DMX bit the bullet.


That is not very Dutch of you. A proper Dutchmen would say "Sorry!" and go away. And then plot revenge while being passive-aggressive.

This is the right way to do it.
OFN dipshit. Sevhi beat you to it.
WHERE MY DOGS AT? by sehvi - TribalWar Forums

Don't you even read the front page? What a dipshit.

Then, Denver is supposed to say:

I beat you in T1 though :)

TW etiquette is supposed to be that we post in the original thread and all throw shit at Denver.

Now, if the original thread was posted by someone like Mitch, the users might break decorum and post in the other thread just to spite the original poster. I don't think that is going to happen here because while you are quiet, you are not disliked.

If you want to avoid confusion in the future, you could use something like "[DMX] WHERE MY DOGS AT?" and put the square brackets to use. Then, if someone like Denver posts OFN, there is no excuse.

Even by posting this, I am breaking etiquette by not letting this thread die.
TW is a picky bunch and the rules run deep. Although, no one really gives a shit. But, TW without bitching and moaning would not be TW.
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I'm Dutch. ;)

Also i hardly post because i know there are hardly any people on this forum who share the same interests. :x

Also the thread title is a dead give away it's about DMX if you're even remotely into hiphop. :x
Not really fixed though because apparently we're known for being assholes.

Which I kind of think is true.
“Niggas tried to holla, but couldn't holla back Now they gots to swallow, everything in the sack.”
I will never forget having a lead over IL with our NL team on Obfuscation.. for 5 minutes and then being slaughtered by you guys. :lol:

heh, I am sorry. At some point we had a very stacked team...
i had to bench myself on many occasions, I was drunk and we did have much better players than me :D
He had 15 children...

  • 4 of them to his original wife.
  • 1 to a girlfriend after he got a divorce.
  • 10 supposedly to extra-marital affairs.

Went bankrupt from child support.

Also had a problem w/ crack.
