Shooting on VA Tech campus

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i havent heard that either...did he use the steam tunnels?? Holy hell that could explain the 2 hour difference...crawling around the steam tunnels.

edit: didn't realze this was a joke. However, for those of you that don't know VT has a series of steam tunnels that run all around (under) campus. It is possible that someone could use these to get around campus. Kids do it all of the time.

Whoa, this whole him going underground thing is actually sounding possible. I mean it's way more than likely he simply blended in with everybody else, but that is interesting.
this is just bullshit people are going to be tired of hearing about in a few days

i can't even watch the news without more breaking news during the news about a coroner or forensics finding a turd that may have been pooped out by the shooter minutes before the rampage
In defense of the police and the university, they could not have imagined that a domestic dispute-style killing would turn into what unfolded. Its easy to just crush these guys but goddamn its just not preventable. If you don't know where he is at, what do you do other than search your ass off? Everything pointed to a guy killing the two and getting the hell outta dodge. Every tragedy is made worse when the media, and us as consumers of said media, rush to assign blame rather than comfort those who have to BURY THEIR KIDS this week. Kids man, its different when you have one of your own and you think about this shit. We watch reporters taking shots at the police and the administration and its like they are on trial, but it took the actions of a crazy motherfucker to put them in this position. Its a sad tragedy, but its sensationalized so much that the focus on what should be taking place in the aftermath is lost.

I have two kids, trust me I am grieving with all of the parents, thinking your kids are safe, planning their future, potential lost, etc. Also what must have been going through these kids' minds knowing that they were about to be executed. I can't even imagine what that's like. It's a horrible tragedy and I'm not trying to take away from that.

That being said, when something like this happens it's natural to review the events, point out the faults, and make improvements to the process to try to avoid, or lessen the impact should such an unfortunate event repeat itself in the future. If they don't look into it then they are foolish. If they do and determine that there's nothing they could have done then so be it but I don't think that is the case.

Again, a two hour window was enough time to get some sort of police presence on campus, placed at strategic points to get some coverage of the campus. It's a lot better than throwing up their hands and saying 'It's just too big to cover'.
well looking at the highly elaborate map, it does not appear that there is a tunnel from point a to point b, but i guess that would actually be plausible, even if i mentioned it as a joke
lol, this guy have good theory yes indeed.

The Reference Frame: Who was Virginia Tech Asian Gunman

According to mostly but not entirely confirmed rumors available to The Reference Frame, the killer was a 6-foot tall male East Asian student from Radford University (where they just canceled a celebration), who was 24 years old. Let me call him Mr. Cho (a fake name because it is a Korean, not Chinese name). He has received his visa in Shanghai before he arrived on August 7th and his girlfriend from Virginia Tech dumped him two weeks ago.

Thirty-five days ago, he purchased two guns - one 9 mm caliber handgun (probably Glock 19) and one .22 caliber pistol (probably Walther P-22) - and he wore a vest or a black leather jacket - probably a bulletproof vest - with too much ammunition in it as well as a maroon cap. Tape showing how he is buying the guns exists: if you believe my newest sources, these tapes are stored exactly for thirty-five days.

In the morning around 7:15 am, Mr. Cho went to her dormitory at the fourth floor of the West Ambler Johnston Hall. If she were there, he shot her. If it wasn't her, he shot her female roommate and then the residential assistant, Ryan Clark of Martinez. They didn't shut down the university, so Mr. Cho continued and tried to find the ex-girlfriend or her new boyfriend in the engineering classrooms of the Norris Hall - see the picture above - a few hours later.

He didn't know the exact location, so he has visited a few classrooms and lined up all students against a wall. The worst massacre took place at 9:50 am in room 200 where the students were learning German 2105. He shot them one by one; yes, the professor, Jamie Bishop who was a son of science-fiction writer Michael Bishop, died first. My most profound condolences for his family, Jason Erik Lundberg, and other friends...

Finally, the calm animal killed himself by a shot into his head once he was cornered.
I wouldn't be surprised if the possibility of him using tunnels as an escape is mentioned during one of the documentaries we'll see on this in years to come on Discovery or National Geographic.
No, it's just George Bush who doesn't care about black people.

jomo, the shooter is the symptom of the problem. The problem is what created the shooter. Jack Thompson says it's video games. My girlfriend says it's society. I say it's probably people riding the elevator for less than 3 floors.

In my building we can't get to the stairs from the first floor, I work on the second, I ride one floor up every morning :scared:
well looking at the highly elaborate map, it does not appear that there is a tunnel from point a to point b, but i guess that would actually be plausible, even if i mentioned it as a joke

Yeah, I bet he knew of them but would only use them if things got bad as in he got spotted by a bunch of people. Kind of like a plan B or C. That site said Campus police regularly check the tunnels so it could be a big risk for him to use.
No, it's just George Bush who doesn't care about black people.

jomo, the shooter is the symptom of the problem. The problem is what created the shooter. Jack Thompson says it's video games. My girlfriend says it's society. I say it's probably people riding the elevator for less than 3 floors.

Throughout history, man has killed man...... You can blame it on whatever you want, but in reality, it is man's way.

Damn I sound like the narrarator from "The Outer Limits"
sbj is just angry that it didn't happen at syracuse so they could actually get the publicity they needed for some mercy recruits after this years failure to get into the tournament
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