We were ahead of our time when it came to out of the box thinking

Every time i see one of those huge rc's like that, im thinking, what is to stop someone from packing that bitch with explosives and flying it into buildings, cars, houses
Was gone the last week.

Have we determined if the plane takes off if the wheels are spinning at the same rate as the treadmill moves in the opposite direction?
The plane takes off regardless of what the free-spinning wheels do below it. Yes the rest of us figured that one out 15 years ago
did we rly figure that 1 out tho? i think there r probably some important questions 2b addressed and i will hand that over 2 the professionals
The only analogy I can think of to put this debate to rest - if the plane had no wheels, but instead was suspended from above by a cable, once the engines start running, the plane will move forward until sufficient lift was generated around the wings, where it can take off.