best place near you to hide a body.

This can depend on the way the victim was murdered.

Anyway, I live about 3 blocks away from the Danube, although downtown. It'd have to happen at like 3am if I don't want anyone to notice.
Except that late at night, a very high proportion of people out and about are cops. No way to blend in.
well for me any travel would need to be at night,

I have a jeep, which would be useless unless I tried to pull a weekend at bernies. Unlikely to be successful.

I have a pickup that doesn't have a topper, could throw the body in the back of the truck if it was well wrapped, but again, dangerous. pros are easy cleanup and quick disposal access. I could put it in the back of the cab of the truck, but that would be awkward, and fibers or fluid stains on the carpet would be damaging.
id just be careful.. always remember that CSI can zoom and enhance.... NEVER FORGET when dealing with a crime....NEVER!!!!
1000's of abandoned coal shafts around here and a huge database on where to find the entrances

would you want to hide a body somewhere thousands of people have a map to it?

seems like you'd be lucky to get a year out of that plan. caves preserve bodies forever, an option which allows for decomposition and eventual disappearance of the body is preferable.
I own the 29 acres all around me and I own a backhoe so disposal would be easy if:
-No body knew I was the last to see the guy
-He died at my place
You stupid bastard, I can't fuckin' believe you. Now, you're gonna dig the fuckin' thing now. You're gonna dig the hole. You're gonna do it. I got no fuckin' lime. You're gonna do it.
dissolve the body is a good idea

pigs dont eat everything
a guy in canada got caught at his pig farm
lots of human fragments around that the pigs disgarded

i know a guy with a boat...but ya still would be suck
cut into pieces, then place in a hole in flood plain (cant be built on)
my ideal way of killing someone would be ricin poisoning.

Only 500 micrograms is needed to put someone out (less than a grain of sand).

"Ricin has achieved a certain amount of notoriety in the past 30 years, due in large part to its use in the suspected 1978 KGB assassination of Bulgarian defector and BBC World Service commentator, Georgi Markov, in London. In a fashion more befitting a Hollywood spy movie, a poison pellet containing an estimated 0.28 milligrams of ricin was stabbed into his thigh with the tip of an umbrella. Three days later he died of cardiac failure, having been afflicted with a host of other ailments. Although no ricin was found, it was suspected by the doctor, who recreated the scenario, injecting a laboratory pig, which later died, in a similar fashion, and with similar symptoms. The LD50 for ricin through parenteral exposure (or being taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract — such as by intravenous or intramuscular injection) — 3 micrograms — is capable of 'severe local lymphoid necrosis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, liver necrosis, diffuse nephritis, and diffuse splenitis. "

I would put the ricin on a sharp object such as a needle or pin and place the pin somewhere the target would grab/touch. For example: inside of a car door handle or on a seat cushion. Maybe some place more subtle and less obvious. No need to get rid of a body in this case. Also how to get/extract ricin, but you get the point.
Kill the person, grind the corpse up (w/bone), take an old tire, mix the ground remains into cement, pour cement in tire, throw tire in a deeper river. (Ohio works for me).

Dig out yard, woodchipper, fill up rest of hole and plant something on top hoping it doesn't turn into a carnivorous plant-demon.
drive 5 or 6 miles off road at a random point off the highway into the arizona desert. Bury the body and nobody will find it.
the further you drive without driving like a crazy person, the less chance someone connects you to the murder
especially crossing state lines or something
So why don't any murderers burn the body. Leaving absolutly no trace of anything. I've always wondered this.

You'd need some kind of industrial setup. Just starting a fire with wood and/or propane will just char it and leave everything intact.
Occam's razor gentlemen. Nobody looks for missing bodies in a cemetery. They'll send divers into the river, comb through forests with search lines, and look for upturned earth from helicopters. But who in their right mind would try to hide a body in a cemetery? Hence its' brilliance.