brothas wat shit is dis?


i bring a thred 2 make fun of some negress, but u attak my race

i guess i go 2 de back of de bus

racism lives in all of u
You can send a thank-you card to Apple.

LOL his posts must be damn near impossible to do on a phone or anything with auto correct. Prolly send a phone into a damn electronic seizure. But I'm sure as educated as he is, he knows how to disable that. Half the shit he's posting isn't even spelled the way it sounds. Ehhh this place is no fun anymore.
oh apple dosnt speek negro? big suprize for 4 da negro

ur entire contry makes wites de standirezires

dat is racism in ur contry and buziness

it is racism in ur cultures

wen will we all riz above dat an except evry1? y dowite ppl make colared ppl less then humens?
blak ppl need 2 rise up and demand there inheritance

there is no lives but in africa. america is a slave cuntry dat owes us money an property

we are depresed by de wite man we are still slaves we are property we cam 2 america 2 have a new live but they keep us down

they cant keep us down wite ppl are dying
12 year old white people will murder your entire family

because their white parents teach them how to shoot straight

at least i heard some black guy say that in a video
someone repost
After birth, bellybuttons are useless - the only redeeming quality is that they catch stray lint.

As we progress into the 21st century, what can we do to redefine the bellybutton? And are bellybutton enlargements a future trend that will fill the pockets of plastic surgeons?

When he joined he talked normal, then shortly thereafter, imus happened, and he was never the same again.

afrikan amerikans hav suffred enuff. imus is a bigot, and he had whats coming to his. u all thnk you are so smart, but you only fool urselves.

so yeah, he is just dweasalling