[cats] post ur cat thread


Veteran XX

don't care if you're posting yours i just wanted to post mine


come at me
My cat Mr. Bitey ran away. I put up signs but never saw him again.

Back in the beginning of the internet there was a pet obituary webpage done in them amazing flashy gif templates lol. My gf and i used to read them and try not to laugh or cry because so many were humorous and sad as well
Oh that really sucks. How long did you have her?

I had a cat gone missing that turned out to have been hit by a car.. :(
Our handsome boy wasn't amused when I woke him up to take this picture just now.

He's 18 this year.
That's nice! Hoping my girl will be around for that long as well. First of April she will be one year old.
I do like cats n dogs a lot, but I already have two useless mouths to feed so I wasn't keen on having pets too

however the gfs seem to always want cats, and are always happy to pay for them, so that's worked out well for me

currently living with the most spoiled cat in new zealand



i have the same deal with the dogs i have over all the time: they're not mine but i get to take care of them and walk them whenever i want

which is pretty awesome :D
i don't have any pets because fuck that noise, too much money to spend AND i have to take care of the fucker

but, if i were to get a pet, it would either be a salt water tank of illegal game fish like trout or sharks, or i would get a black palm cockatoo.

Our oldest cat Bosse looks a bit scrawny, but he has an appetite like a horse. He eats, sleeps and poops. That's about it. He'll be 19 sometime this year. He was already 8 when we adopted him so we don't know the exact date.

Our oldest cat Bosse looks a bit scrawny, but he has an appetite like a horse. He eats, sleeps and poops. That's about it. He'll be 19 sometime this year. He was already 8 when we adopted him so we don't know the exact date.


the only acceptable post in this thread.
I do not have a cat.
Cats do not like me.
Cats don't hate me, but they do not like me.

I am dogsitting, and it might become a thing. Nobody will ever replace Scrappy, but this dog had nothing, and it's very possible that he might have just won the dog lottery.

Everyone, say hello to my Hokas and very-good-dog, Hop.
