
getting into fire season better stock up

seems kinda gay
lol it's a pretty f'n boring game that goes for too long and is frightfully British old chap. Friends are into it for the strategy. Apparently its quite strategic. It's played in summer. Who really wants to stand around all day in the f'n sun waiting for the red ball to come to you? Boring, or sit around waiting for your turn to bat? Why not get everyone on the field with a bat, and then hit each other for the red ball... but I guess that would be hockey.
ever watch Australian Rules Football?

ever watch Australian Rules Football?

That's AFL played around most of the country, but local to where I am the biggest state v's state match (best of 3) starts this Wednesday Night NRL State of Origion. So they pick the best team from Queensland (Maroons) players and NSW players (Blues) and do a best of 3. Queensland normally wins cause they are more bogan, and NRL is a bogan game. This match is serios stuff with state rivalry. It's like "F NSW" and "F qld". Before the no punching rules there was normally a brawl early on. So if you have some fancy access to watch this Wednesday nights match, check it out.

In IQ it goes a bit like:

Rugby (higher IQ)
AFL (average IQ)
NRL (lower IQ)

You give the lower IQ players (NRL) enough steroids, gym, training, and anger and they will put on a show.

I'm very glad you put NRL at the bottom, they are troglodytes with an identical body shape who like getting smacked in the head repeatedly.

At least AFL you can be pretty much any size and be successful. As a spectator game it is generally the most entertaining of all the codes.

Rugby League is a gentleman's game b/c it's a Private School thing u know (and they are usually giant bastards) but also suffers from the head hitting thing (not to mention tearing your ears off between big manly thighs in a scrum)
I think you mean 'Rugby' is a gentleman's game. Rugby League (NRL) is a bonehead's game.

AFL is best to see live. Rugby and Rugby league is better to watch on tv. We all know Rugby Leagues players are a bit dumb. They even know it.

They're all better to watch than...

I think you mean 'Rugby' is a gentleman's game. Rugby League (NRL) is a bonehead's game.

AFL is best to see live. Rugby and Rugby league is better to watch on tv. We all know Rugby Leagues players are a bit dumb. They even know it.

They're all better to watch than...

Sorry - I meant Rugby Union, as in real rugby.
I have been getting a lot of FB reels of female rugby players lately. Jesus those bitches are tough
This is the recent Match 1 of 3 of Women's State of Origin NRL (Rugby League - bit different to real "Rugby" (Rugby Union). They're just typical Australian women as they are all like that so it's very hard to pick the team.

NRL on Nine could be blocked for you. Here's a fox post game review may show some highlights.

Walsh got smashed 7 minutes in. NSW played 1 down rest of match. Dude should have got 10 minutes in the sin-bin not off for 4 matches. Walsh slid low was dude was going for his chest. "F qld!" Normally SOO they are allowed to go a bit harder than regular matches. Note I'm NSW so there is some bias.
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