
wonder who would be so low as to be pandering to the demographic saddled with debt and low wealth they were told to acquire for must have degrees in new age underwater basket weaving with a minor in intersectional gender studies?

to add to his list of pandering:

In Iowa, Bernie Sanders says states should allow felons to vote from behind bars
Election 2020: In Iowa, Bernie Sanders says states should allow felons to vote from behind bars

such a bottom of the barrel shitbag :lol: jfc
yeah that idea sucks... thanks for the link i will torpedo it on liberal shitbag forms and write the senator a letter on my personal desktop computer
Yeah, because voting is a privilege and felons behind bars are not part of the society :ftard:

how dare people actually hold others accountable for their actions after proving they need to be kept from society

until society decides to change their views on that, dont expect the laws to change until then

bonus: that's a dangerous slope giving gvt that kind of power, exactly what you seem to embrace for some weird reason

it is dangerous to give government power to restore voting rights? :huh:

its dangerous to give people who have proven themselves against society the right to dictate how society is run, even if they are citizens

should green card holders vote? theyre not citizens but live and work in the US legally, pay taxes, and in most cases have a spotless criminal record because they can lose those privileges otherwise.

unless u want us to give Russian bots the power to vote and just skip the middleman

if your line is simply "citizenship" then youre gonna have a baaaaaaaad tiiiiiiiiiiime
its dangerous to give people who have proven themselves against society the right to dictate how society is run, even if they are citizens

it is dangerous to give illiterate, non-landowning citizens, and/or women the right to dictate how society is run...

my point was that the statement was dumb, not that i agree with incarcerated felons voting. you're not "giving the government power" over anything by restoring rights
it is dangerous to give illiterate, non-landowning citizens, and/or women the right to dictate how society is run...

my point was that the statement was dumb, not that i agree with incarcerated felons voting. you're not "giving the government power" over anything by restoring rights

lol no, not at all

just the opposite

im surprised you misunderstood
it is dangerous to give illiterate, non-landowning citizens, and/or women the right to dictate how society is run...

my point was that the statement was dumb, not that i agree with incarcerated felons voting. you're not "giving the government power" over anything by restoring rights

it was a bad idea to allow women to vote, tbh. they simply lack the logical capacity for critical decision making.
it was also a bad idea to allow non-land owners to vote without providing some sort of provision that states you must have somehow contributed to society

in the future, I hope we have a starship trooper-style meritocracy where theres civilians and then citizens and only citizens can reproduce, vote, hold public office, etc

mob rule is a terrible concept and apparently the idea of the republic is only worth having when you're on the winning team, else you look for every possibility to game the system or change it to suit your desires such as the current democratic desire to allow felons to vote and to eliminate the electoral college
Nah it's great to believe you'll always be in the 51%. Could never turn out shortsighted.
in the future, I hope we have a starship trooper-style meritocracy where theres civilians and then citizens and only citizens can reproduce, vote, hold public office, etc

as long as it's actually contingent on merit and not military subservience

and it's probably ok to let non-citizens have 1 child. zoos exist for valid reasons
Approximately 1/2 the numbers on the way to 100 are below the average of all numbers on the way to 100.
as long as it's actually contingent on merit and not military subservience

and it's probably ok to let non-citizens have 1 child. zoos exist for valid reasons

ya id be cool with some sort of civil service, especially related to infrastructure upkeep and maintenance