FS: Gaming PCs

Mine arrived today--a day early! Was an excellent surprise returning home from work.

DH was awesome throughout the entire process.

Would recommend.

Also, dove farts.
thought on the trinity apu, A10 5600k???

I built a custom A10-5800K system with a HD 6670 running dual graphics crossfire over the weekend, it was actually decent for playing games and the CPU overclocked pretty well. I would still recommend getting a single more powerful video card for gaming though, but the Trinity APUs aren't bad.
I built a custom A10-5800K system with a HD 6670 running dual graphics crossfire over the weekend, it was actually decent for playing games and the CPU overclocked pretty well. I would still recommend getting a single more powerful video card for gaming though, but the Trinity APUs aren't bad.

I considered picking one up to use with my 660ti. Can you recommend me a motherboard, well if you have time?
Go to newegg and see which fits your needs, for most users I'd say brand doesn't matter that much as long as it's got the features you want. The one i used was the gigabyte A85X north bridge one, it's the highest end FM2 board and pretty expensive if you are just looking for a budget build. You can get a A55 north bridge board for as little as $50.
Can't say enough good things about Die Hard and his customer service. He helped me out with a problem even though it's been 1.5+ years since my purchase.
Interested in a new comp, sick of gaming on my gaming laptop

Just to confirm, you do ship to Canada? And if so, what is the shipping cost?