Godzilla! Huge Earthquake in Japan

Ma nature's got a big crack.

From BBC:

1940: The 8.9-magnitude earthquake which struck Japan on Friday was the strongest in the area in nearly 1,200 years, David Applegate, a senior science adviser at the US Geological Survey, tells the Associated Press. He says the quake ruptured a patch of the earth's crust 240km (150 miles) long and 80km (50 miles) across.

thats the answer! Global sea rise will be off set by global giant earthquakes punching huge holes in the ocean floor!
sucks for japan

and for lgbr who comes of as a really pretentious idiot
that city will be back to normal in 2 days

trust me im an arrogant bartender who uses facebook
words of people there apparently dont mean as much as the nice lady on TV telling you the world is ending
video of a city burning apparently doesn't mean as much as the 20 something idiot posting on the internet from ohio
yah but those buildings will be fine, probably like 2-3 days. media just trying to spin it. do you believe everything you see? :lol: i have people there washing dishes telling me its no big deal.
back to normal in a few hours...

their nanodroids are repairing the japanese people right now bro as we speak... cmon bro its japan they are so advanced that tsunami damage only lasts 2 days to recover from.. no biggie