people who are easy to troll

He's an Oblate Spheroid.

I'm quitting trolling people. I realize that you get to a point where no matter how crazy you think everyone else is, or how right/justified you may feel, by shouting back at them there really is no difference between them and you. It's just two rams butting heads forever for everyone else's amusement. The top 50 most ignored are weird people and I don't want to be on that list, so I'm going to be a lot less like jm5k and a lot more like me. No thread made, just a little blurb here in small print that you might see and might not see. Increase the peace homies.

holy shit what a pathetic nerd
chris can you please explain the sliding scale of forum popularity metrics

i'm thoroughly confused and completely unwilling to listen, but I thought I'd give you an opportunity to publicly embarrass yourself again
C'mon Chris you know that sig is less than a week old. Please stop with the revisionist history.
jm5k u r fukin strange emo creature

u r entering vanster level emo territory

go 2 the gym shed the layers of fat maybe u will be able to avert ur pending divorce

i am just trying 2 help a fellow t1 player out that is down in the dumps
No offense Dare, but I don't think anyone in the planet should take advice from you. You have a lot of shit you need to sort out; we both know that.
chrissmomma sure has a penchant for using semicolons

might want to slide use of obscure punctuation into that list of special skills
so did this posting style revelation have anything to do with some random smurf sending me an unverified picture of your wife
jm5k if you had to choose between saving your obese hog wife's life or leaving internet forums forever what would you choose
so did this posting style revelation have anything to do with some random smurf sending me an unverified picture of your wife

Nope, just realized I am 31 years old and trolling back and forth doesn't prove anything. You seem to need to do it and that's cool - that's your thing. It's just not mine anymore.

I'd rather just chat about videogames and movies, read the gif thread and shoot the shit with people.